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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

Floyd Holmes is a great guy. I pray a donor is found and that folks are generous with monetary donations.

[ Editor’s Note: Since we ran that story, I’ve had at least a half- dozen people tell be the same thing. I’d have to imagine being in need of an organ transplant would be one of the most harrowing experiences. Hopefully, this will indeed have a happy ending]

*** Was over in the dollhouses in Marion on Willow Dr. and there is a house at 106 that has an awesome flag display. I just had to stop and ask the lady about the flags and she gave me the meaning for each one. This is her family’s way of honoring all 1st responders, it is awesome! They are gonna have a red & blue laser spotlight on starting July 1st thru July 4th! I will definitely be driving back by to see it. Just thought you all at the paper might wanna check it out!

[ Editor’s Note: Thanks for the tip. I will, indeed, go by and check it out. It’s always good to see someone in the community take that extra step to bring attention to something like our first responders, who often perform their duties without much in the way of recognition]

*** I’d like to reply to the text printed 6-22-16. The truth behind the personal “social media video” posted. This was a personal challenge to Mr. Floyd to raise money for a charity. And it worked. He raised over 2,000 for this areas displaced women. I am a personal friend of Mr. Floyd and I do know that he was not representing the city of Marion at this private event. Please do take note that this past 2015 Christmas he did represent the city and the 4H as he raised enough money to purchase 103 bicycles that were given away to the children in this community. Children that would not have received a bike for Christmas otherwise! AND he did this Christmas of 2014 also, 86 bicycles were distributed. I know this will not be printed since the negative comments are absent and I have not impugned his character. Thank you. [ Editor’s Note: All right… I’m getting a lit-tle bit closer to the bottom of this. I don’t care if Mr. Floyd was representing the City of Marion or the 43rd Annual Convention of the Grand Mystic Royal Order of the Nobles of the Ali Baba Temple of the Shrine, if he was raising money for charity, unless he was juggling flaming cats or something, he gets a thumbs up from me. I still haven’t seen the video in question, though… he wasn’t juggling flaming cats, was he?]

*** Marion residents: Be sure and lock your vehicles at night, unless you park in your garage. Some no good punk(s) with nothing better to do are “exploring” unlocked vehicles parked in driveways during the night.

[ Editor’s Note: Sadly, that’s prett prudent advice no matter where you live these days. But, it’s good advice. About a year ago, we got a knock on the door from our friendly neighborhood Marion policeman at 2 a. m. informing us that someone had been our vehicles. They didn’t make off with anything of real value, except a small amount of cash. And like you say, they were apparently just “ exploring” for easy- to- grab items. One of our cars had the keys in it, but they were clearly not down for grand theft auto, just looking for some quick, easy loot]


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