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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

To Chief Gately…I am sure you mean no harm…but please do not call the young men “a boy and the other boy”…Concerning the new hires in the fire department.

[ Editor’s Note: I mean, I guess I can see where you’re coming from, but I’ve heard fire and police folk call themselves and each other “ boy” or “ the boys” for years. If anyone is confused over them possibly being actual boys, as in children, I assure you, they are not. If anyone was offended by the phrase being used as some sort of demeaning term, I assure you the chief meant it in no such way]

*** I have been reading the paper about the loud music playing in Pecan Ridge and I agree with the complaints and not so much with the response of the editor. There is loud music with profanity being played at least three to four days a week and in the middle of the night. You can hear it plainly no matter where you live in the subdivision. It has been played several nights up into 2 to 3 a.m. in the morning. There aren’t any patrols that I see coming through at any time of the day or night. Something needs to be done in this area with the loud music when people are trying to sleep, along with the speeding from numerous vehicles in our area not taking into consideration of young kids being out. In reference to the response of the race track, the track has been there since the 1950s, only have races on certain months and days of the week which are scheduled, and they have done several things to help reduce the noise and it’s an attraction for the city. That is in a different league. This is a residential area where there should be peace and quiet, and not loud music being played at all hours of the night all the time. The ordinances can be enforced if they would drive through more than once a month.

[ Editor’s Note: This might sound like I’m being snarky, but I’m not… Agree with whomever you like. I’m acutally sympathetic to the issue here. I am especially reminded of when I used to work third shift or late hours and how difficult it can be to sleep when there are things going on in your vicinity. You mentioned music with profanity, and that is indeed cause for alerting the police. I will continue to contend that park- hosted events can and do run late into the night, and there’s simply nothing that’s going to keep them from being noisy outside of cancelling them. This just happens to be the time of year for it. Like the racetrack, Tilden Rodgers Park has been a staple in the community for decades, and like the racetrack, they only have events on certain months and days of the week and it’s an attraction for the city. For example, I was just there this past weekend for the Girls Fastpitch State Tournament. Not only did local teams take part, but also about two dozen teams from out of town, each with their own cadre of players, coaches and fans, all of whom spent money in the city]

*** If a man has an affair with a woman for 7 years how can he make it look like it was her fault when the truth comes to light? Last time I checked it takes 2 to tango, right or wrong? [ Editor’s Note: I’m not sure… I missed yesterday’s episode of The Young & The Restless. Unless you’re talking about a real- life sit-uation… In that case, it’s none of my business]

*** WATCH OUT TRAVELING THROUGH EARLE!! Three new police cars means a huge speed trap to pay for those cars and new revenue for the city!!

[ Editor’s Note: I would caution drivers to watch out traveling through anywhere in Crittenden County. I don’t think I have ever seen so many wrecks over such a short period of time. And you’d have to think speeding played at least some part in a few of them]


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