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The ones left for the tribulation period

The ones left for the tribulation period


The ones left for the tribulation period

Have you ever thought about who will be here for the tribulation period? If you believe that there will be a tribulation period… and I know that some don't, as well don't believe that there will be a rapture either.

If you are one of those that believe that way, then most of what I write here won’t mean a lot to you, because this is mostly about the ones left behind. But to understand where I'm coming from, keep these words in mind as we go along: “There shall be no other gods before me.”

But if you are one of those like me that believe the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and that he gave these words to his writers of the Bible, then the answer to that question is, only the lost that are alive will be here, because those are the ones that refuse to repent of their sins and accept his son as their savior.

Now if he said that there would be no other gods before him, then just let your mind think of how many different types of religious organizations that there are in the world that don't believe anything close to what Christians believe as far as our God is concerned, because they all have all kinds of gods in their religious practice, and that will tell you a lot about who will be left here if you believe in my God.

When we hear those words “come up hither,” and all the Christians meet him up in the air, then think about the biggest religion in the world today and that will tell you the most of one kind that will be left.

You know those that hate our God and hate Christianity? Well, those are the same ones that the world is having so much trouble with today, so with them not believing any part of what we believe about our God, then I believe they will be left here in the tribulation period. I know that a lot of people think that there is good in everybody, so God will let a lot of things just be forgotten by him, because he is such a loving God. Well, you are right about one thing: He is a loving God, but remember he is also a vengeful God, so don't think that you can do anything that you want to do and worship any god that you want to (or in a lot of cases no god at all) and he will let you slide. It just doesn't work like that.

The horrible things that will take place during that time frame are not possible for the human mind to visualize, and according to my Bible, it will last seven years and most of world at that time will be run by Satan himself. He will also have the help of a lot of countries that are very prominent today in a lot of world affairs, and also in the news a lot, and the one burning desire that they all will have is to destroy Israel at any cost. And remember this, if you disagree or not about the Jewish people: God didn't ask you, and the Jews are God's chosen people, and he will deal with them for not accepting his son, so with them you’d better be careful.

The only way that any humans will be saved will be because Jesus comes back to put an end to it and locks Satan in a bottomless pit for a thousand years, and then the ones that refused to take the mark of the beast during the tribulation period will then go into a time frame that we call the thousand-year millennial reign with Jesus, but that is for another writing so lets get back to the Tribulation…

The Bible tells a lot about the time of tribulation and the end times, with all these horrible things that will happen, and he describes it in stages using angels to bring on different plagues over the land. So to put it in a nut shell, it will be a horrible time for all mankind left here.

Now God has provided a way out of this time of destruction, just like he did for Moses when he open the Red Sea, and Noah and his family with the flood, and so in the case of the tribulation period, he did it with his son dying on the cross. So, if you end up in the tribulation period, then it was your fault, because he provided a way out for you and that way you can't blame anyone but yourself if you end up being there.

That's the reason that all these that live by the political correctness rule will be wondering what just happened. But, whether you believe this or not won’t make any difference. I know without a doubt in my heart when that call is made from that cloud, I'm out of here, unless he needs me before then. Now remember one thing, if you read this and don't want to be part of that time, then it's a simple thing to do: Talk to the son of God about your situation, and he will give you a free pass out of it. Now I know in my past writings I have talked a lot about that free pass, so this time I'm going to tell you how to get there, and if you will, read these scriptures and let them sink into your heart. Then it will be easy for you just like it was for me: Romans 3: 10; Romans 3:23; Romans 5:12; Romans 6:23; Romans 5:8; Romans 10:9-13; and John 5:24.

But however you look at it, he still loves you so much. God bless you and yours.

Bill McFerrin is a West Memphis resident with some things to say and a certain way of saying them.

By Bill McFerrin Local Commentary

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