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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


You mention a while back that West Memphis was getting a cable franchise I hope so because Comcast need some competition with the high price and poor service they provide them it hard to communicate with them.

[ Editor’s Note: Next to negotiating the price of purchasing a new vehicle, dealing with cable/ satellite companies is my least favorite thing to do in the realm of consumerism.

And it is almost impossible to get in touch

with a real live person at Comcast, especially if you want to talk to the local branch. They apparently don’t even have a local number anymore. But to your question, they bring up the idea of West Memphis launching its own cable franchise every year or so, but it seems like that’s as far as it’s ever going to go]

*** I think seeing the officer transporting his child to school is a positive thing for the community. It humanizes the officer and helps the children trust police. Much needed during the times we live in. He is a great role model for the community in which fatherless is far to familiar. I’m sure his child/children

Text The Times.

will have very fond memories of dad taking them to school. As far as WMPD, I’m sure there are legitimate gripes but this just seems petty. [ Editor’s Note: I’m just going to agree with you 100 percent and leave it at that. Not everyone does, though…]

*** Editor. You said that you searched wm municipal code, and didn’t find anything that would exclude an officer from taking his kids to or from school. Ed. Look at it like this. What would happen if in the course of dropping his kid off, he got a call of an active shooter, with dead and injured, and he happened to be the closet unit to the scene – what would he do? Make the scene with the child in tow, or go on to school, and let someone else handle it?

There is too much liability involved for the city. Where would there be more liability – a city owned vehicle parked at the casino, or riding a child around in a police cruiser? I hope the commenter can get a picture and let you print it.

We need to level the playing field a little bit better, don’t you think? [ Editor’s Note: I think that’s a pretty “ apples to oranges” argument. While I can see what you’re saying, I don’t know if this particular officer is on duty, but I imagine there are procedures in place for that sort of thing.

And again, I think the law is on the officer’s side]

*** Marion City Council needs to vote with the master plan for Angelo’s Grove. What the MPC did was a nefarious disgrace and bordering on corrupt. Cronyism at its best.

[ Editor’s Note: It does seem like if you’re going to call something a “ Master Plan,” you’d want to keep it the way it was originally drawn up, right?]

*** How about this great sanitation department in West Memphis? I had the great fortune of attempting to resolve an issue with the WM sanitation department. I was prompt in contacting the appropriate department when I had an issue. The receptionist at the sanitation department was amazing, quickly finding the worker I needed to speak with about my issue. The worker, however, did not have time to listen to my complaint. He simply dropped the phone and walked away. The receptionist (I wish I knew her name because she was/is wonderful) proceeded to apologize for the workers attitude and directed me to call the supervisor. I called, he did not answer, I left a message stating my name and phone number twice. I called three days following the original call. This all happened over a month ago-Needless to say, I’ve never heard from the supervisor. After speaking to several citizens of West Memphis, I realized there has been an ongoing issue with this department for quite some time. I put my 1 bag of garbage a week in an approved garbage bag, drive all my recycling to the bins (since WM can’t figure that out), and put my yard debris in reusable receptacles nicely and neatly by the road. I do my part. West Memphis Sanitation needs to do $25 worth per household. Don’t stroll trash everywhere, break bottles in the street and leave them, and not return phone calls!! If you don’t like your job, find another and let’s find someone that can do the job properly. [ Editor’s Note: As in any case when there’s a complaint, there’s surely plenty of examples of the West Memphis Sanitation Department admirably. Alas, this does not appear to be the case in this particular situation. Kudos to you for attempting to resolve this issue through the proper channels. I’d give the Sanitation Superintendent, the always friendly ( to me, anyway) Leroy Turner, another call about your problem, especially the way you were rudely treated by the sanitation worker]

*** Thank you, Times, for the publicity prior to the Memorial observance at the cemetery. There was a good crowd this year! Thank you to the VFW for conducting this each year, to the Boy Scouts for placing the flags, and to Mr. Gately for his patriotic song!! [ Editor’s Note: Happy to do it. Hope you enjoyed the pictures in the paper from the event]

*** West Memphis has a fox on Cooper St. I called the animal shelter to capture it, but they do not deal with wildlife. It looks sick and hungry.

[ Editor’s Note: I saw a fox this weekend on the way home from my in- laws’. Maybe there’s a population boom among the local fox population. You might want to give Arkansas Wildlife Management a call. The number is ( 501) 470- 1690. I’ll bet they could help you with the Cooper Street Fox]


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