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Nordic Noir

Nordic Noir


Teen shooting hits close to home for West Memphis mayor

McClendon classmates with father of slain 15-year-old

West Memphis police are still investigating the case of a 15-year-old teen found dead, shot in the head Wednesday night at the Steeple Chase Apartments.

The black, male victim was a student at the Academies of West Memphis.

The shooting grabbed the attention of West Memphis Mayor Marco McClendon, who was a high school classmate of the victim’s father.

On Thursday, McClendon shared some preliminary details of the shooting, while offering condolences to the family and a word to the community.

The mayor said the police had taken proactive intervention to warn the family about their son being in the apartment at 2310 Goodwin, a known hot spot for criminal activity, just days before the incident.

“On Monday, Sgt. Hayes was over there and told his mom to go get him and send him home,” said McClendon. “He didn’t need to be over there. It is an apartment (the police) watch. She went there and brought him home. But then Wednesday, two days later — I don’t know.”

The mayor said police identified a suspect over night and were on the hunt for the shooter.

The victim was shot in the head and already dead when police arrived to the scene.

“My heart goes out to the family,” said McClendon.

“They had showed concern for his safety. I knew this family and this is a true tragedy. Life is precious.”

McClendon had a word for parents in the wake of the first homicide in the city this year.

“Parents, know where your children are,” said McClendon. “Get more nosy — get in their business. I remember when I was young, when the street lights came on I had to be home or at least check in, and honestly let my mom and dad know where I was and what I was doing.”

The mayor urged citizens to talk to police about details pertinent to the shooting.

Anyone with any information about this incident is urged to call the West Memphis Police Department dispatch center at (870) 732-7555 or call Crittenden County Crime Stoppers at (870) 7324444. All calls will be kept confidential.

By John Rech

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