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By Sinthey Ann Williams Breyel Guest Columnist

By Sinthey Ann  Williams Breyel Guest Columnist


By Sinthey Ann Williams Breyel

Guest Columnist

First, a bit of background to this special edition of “Earle News”: Six months ago, I had never heard of Earle, Arkansas or Crittenden County, nor did I know the names of two generations of women before me who have written this column. Only recently have I begun to learn the roots and heritage I've wondered about all of my life.

Previously, the only knowledge I had about how I came into this world was that a beautiful, funny and smart girl who loved horseback riding was faced with a difficult choice. A loving decision was made, in the best interest of her future and mine, to place me with another family. While everyone involved thought this separation would be permanent, God had other plans.

I now know, as I write this on my 45th birthday, that I am the great-granddaughter of Catherine Franks, the granddaughter of Sue Ann Elms and the daughter of Cynthia (Cindy) Elms. I am proud to be each of these.

I spent many birthdays wondering if these mysterious people from my past were thinking of me as well. I love the family that raised me, but I didn't like that people were missing from my life. I was full of questions to ask and things to say. I stared out windows, not really knowing who or what I was looking for. I was homesick for a place I had never been. I missed people I thought I'd never meet. Amidst happiness and success, I lived with a haunting sorrow I could never quite shake.

I signed up with several adoption registries, the most recent in 1999. The 1971 adoption had been a “closed” adoption with no identifying information for either party, so I knew it was a long shot that I would receive a response. Early in 2015, I began to find peace with the part of my heart that I purposely kept open for these people. Even if there was hope of finding them, the aftermath of interrupting lives was just too frightening.

What I now know is that there were indeed people thinking of me. A cousin of Cindy's, closer to my age, also loved me without knowing me and was determined to one day find me, and she did. How that happened is a miraculous story of its own. The short version is the family tried to make contact with me and was finally successful on what was for them, and what came to be for me, a very significant date – July 31, 2015 – Cindy's birthday.

Although it saddened me greatly to learn that Cindy was laid to rest just eight months after I was born, the amount of love in my life grew quickly. Mothers want to surround their children with love and I believe she has done exactly that for me from where she is now. I believe – I know – such things can happen.

When I celebrated my 45th birthday this past weekend, I didn't have to look out a window. I just looked around the room to find it full of people with whom I share a big, unconditional and amazing love. That beautiful girl I've always ached for may not have physically been with us – yet she was there – in me and in all of her family and friends that are now part of my life. Worthy of special mention is that it was the second birthday with my Grandmother. The first was at my birth, a day she thought, “I'll never see her again.” I am Sue Ann's only grandchild. What an honor to give this special lady her first birthday celebration with a grandchild and to see in her eyes what I wanted so much to see – the losses of 1971 begin to heal.

Before this happened, I'm not sure that I was a big believer in miracles. I now am. And I hope you, dear reader, are as well.

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” – Ronald Dahl, novelist Thanks to my Grand, Sue Ann Elms, for letting me “borrow” her column to share this amazing journey with the community from where it all began.

“News From Earle” On March 12, Sue Ann Elms of Earle gathered with friends and family at the Whole Hog in North Little Rock to celebrate the birthdays of her son Kevin Elms of Russellville, great-niece, Karli Potratz of North Little Rock, close friend of the family Dawn Collier of Russellville and granddaughter, Sinthey Ann Williams Breyel (Catherine Ann Elms) of Lewisville, Texas.

Immediate family members joining included Eric Elms, originally from Earle now residing in Memphis. Close family friends Corey Lewis of Memphis and Sarah Irby of Maumelle were also present.

Also present at the celebration was the family of Staci Sanders Fitzgerald of North Little Rock – Lynn Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Potratz and Mason Fitzgerald. Friends of their family also joined, Mason Goheen, of Cabot and Abrah Jones and Austin Spencer of North Little Rock.

Additional family members included Grady and Becky Gennings of Memphis, John Gennings of Charlotte, NC, Kathy Sanders Smith, Christina, Liam and Levi English of Cabot and Jeff Sanders of West point.

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