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Hughes/Horseshoe Lake News


Hughes/Horseshoe Lake News


The Horseshoe Lake Ladies Bunko played at the home of Lethia Jo Cupples on January 2nd. This month’s hostess was Debby Allison. Lethia Jo rolled most big bunkos and had high score for the evening. Donna Culver won low score and Holly Bacon had traveler’s pillow at the end of the night. The Ladies enjoyed Vegetable Soup with assorted crackers and party mix and Snickerdoodle and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies.


Canal Gardens

It’s time for the annual meeting of Canal Gardens Property Owners Association. Assessments are in the process of being sent out and are looking to set a date for early February meeting. This year the Board would like your input on whether to meet on a Saturday afternoon as in the past, or would a week night such as Thursday, bring more attendance. Please contact one of the following Officers: President- Tom Cumbia at 870-339-2338, Vice-President- Jennifer Burch at 901-359-5634 or Sec./Treasurer – Holly Bacon at 870-339-3514. If possible, contact by Tuesday, Jan. 9th, so assessments can be mailed out on the 10th with the meeting information included.


Garden Club

The Hughes Town & Country Garden Club will have their annual Board of Manager’s meeting on Monday, Jan. 15, at 11 a.m., at the home of Holly Bacon. The ladies will be discussing the 2018 Hostess and Program Schedule.


Hughes United Methodist Church


Jan. 5th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Holly Twyford, Jonathan Beggs, Amara Percer, Betsy Brackin Burch and Bobby Tranum.

Jan. 6th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Daniel (Danny) Funderburg. In Memory: Emerson Sanders.

Jan. 7th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Alexia Harrison, Larry Lane, Lauren Bentley Keech, David Allen Reece, Courtney Harshbarger, Ann Meals and Walter L. Meals III. In Memory: Louis Bobo.

Jan. 8th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Michelle Long, Allison B. Hodges, Kenneth McCollum and Henry Joseph Oswalt. In Memory: Dianne Taylor and Bud Taylor.

Jan. 9th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Jeanette Skipper and John S. (Sid) Fogg. Happy Anniversary to: Mr. & Mrs. B. McCollum, Jr. In Memory: Buddy West.

Jan. 10th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Collyns Jane Waldrip and Ben Benton. In Memory: Moddie Gardner Burkhart.

Jan. 11th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Zack Hawley. In Memory: Bob Wacaster.


Calendar of Events Jan. 6th

Mass, 5 p.m., St. Mary’s of the Lake Catholic Church.

Jan. 7th

Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., Worship Service, 11 a.m., Horseshoe Lake Baptist Church.

Worship Service, 11 a.m., Hughes United Methodist Church.

Jan. 8th

Hughes Rotary Club meets, 6 p.m.

Horseshoe Lake Town Meeting, 6 p.m., City Hall on Highland Drive.

Hughes Town Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center.

Deadline for weekly news, 8 p.m., contact Holly Bacon at 870-339-3514 or

Jan. 9th

Zumba and Upper Body Weights, 8 a.m. Surf Club Building.

Critttenden County Master Gardener meeting, 1 p.m., County Extension Office in Marion.

Jan. 11th

Zumba and Lower Body Weights, 8 a.m., Surf Club Building.

Hughes Fire Dept. meets, 7 p.m., Fire Station on Blackwood Drive.

Jan. 12th

Zumba only, 8 a.m., Surf Club Building.

Next weekly column appears.

By Holly Bacon

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