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Holy Week services scheduled


Holy Week services scheduled

Special community services set for lead- up to Easter

The events leading to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ are remembered by Christians around the globe and celebrated annually at Easter. Locally, the West Memphis and Marion Ministerial Fellowship will make Holy Week observances each noon hour, from Monday March 21 through Friday March 25.

A different church will host the event each day, featuring a devotional by a visiting pastor. In years past a luncheon followed each worship service, but the focus this year is on the Holy Day service, omitting lunch. All services start at 12:05 p.m. Offerings taken each day will be used to fund a benevolence purse managed through the ministerial fellowship.

Here is the schedule for the Holy Week Services.

The public is invited to attend: Monday March 21, Marion Untied Methodist Church hosts Mike Seale from the Missouri Street Church of Christ.

Tuesday March 22, St.

Michael’s Catholic Church in West Memphis opens its doors to the public with Marion UMC Pastor Robert Cloninger in the pulpit.

Wednesday March 23, Calvary Baptist Church in West Memphis brings 8th Street Mission Executive Director Larry Brown.

Thursday March 24, the Missouri Street Church of Christ and those attending will be treated to Josh Hall, Associate Pastor of West Memphis First Baptist.

Friday March 25, Bethel AME in West Memphis has Fr. Charles Thessing in the pulpit, Pastor of St.

Michael’s Catholic Church.

By John Rech

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