‘Here they come to save the day!’ WM first responders to the rescue…
‘Here they come to save the day!’ WM first responders to the rescue…
When called into action, the West Memphis Fire Department, Police Department and Animal Control are quick to respond, whether the problem is big or small. Last week, when a kitten became trapped in a storm drain on Shoppingway near North Avalon, Animal Control called the WMFD for assistance but they were at a fire so WMPD officer Lauren Dixon made the scene and attempted the rescue but was unable to reach the kitten. WMFD Rescue 1A made the scene with Lt. Scott Simpson and Firefighter Ashton Heard, who then accessed a manhole on the opposite side of the street where Heard crawled through a 24-inch pipe to bring the kitten to the side where Officer Dixon was waiting. The kitten is now safe and sound and has been named, appropriately, Ashton! The WMPD had another “caught being kind” moment when Jim Flanders, a visitor to the city, spied a pair of policemen, officers Cody Gross and Brad Williams helping a child fix his bike chain. He sent the pics to WREG News Channel 3, who helped the story go “viral” on social media.
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