Community Holy Week service schedule set
Community Holy Week service schedule set
Worship events mark lead- in to Easter Sunday
The week between Palm Sunday and Easter is called Holy Week. Many local churches meet together for lunchtime observance. The weekday gatherings are sponsored by the West Memphis and Marion Ministerial Fellowship for the benefit of the 8th Street Mission for Jesus Christ.
The fellowship provides community benevolence and contributes to the work at the mission.
Meeting locations change daily but the program always starts promptly with a song at 12:05 p.m., followed by a brief devotional message with the host church providing the noon meal. The get-togethers are designed to fit into the lunch hour and glorify the Lord with messages about the powerful work of Christ in His life, death and resurrection.
The community is invited to celebrate together. Here is the itinerary for the week: Monday, April 10: Trinity in the Fields Anglican Church, 100 E. Military Rd., Marion with speaker John Rech of New Hope Baptist Mission.
Tuesday, April 11: Old St. Paul, 504 S. 8th St., West Memphis with speaker Horace Tipton, pastor of Trinity Church.
Wednesday, April 12: First Baptist Church, 200 N.
Missouri with speaker Frederick Anthony of Old St. Paul.
Thursday, April 13: at First Presbyterian, 315 N. Missouri,
West Memphis with
speaker Gary Hair of Calvary Baptist.
Good Friday, April 14: at Calvary Baptist, 1600 N.
Avalon, West Memphis with speaker David Dobbs of First Presbyterian. All services at 12:05 p.m., with lunch at 12:35 p.m.
By John Rech