Avondale hosting Leadership Day
Avondale hosting Leadership Day
Avondale Elementary is implementing Covey’s “7 Habits of Happy Kids” and hosting a “Seuss-tastic” Leadership Day, reaching out to future parents, business partners and community leaders to come learn about and see the school’s unique leadership model. Students will be showcasing their leadership skills during the the tours. Visitors will gain a better understanding of the “7 Habits” and how they are incorporated into daily learning, and discover the joys of being a “Leader in Me” school. Seuss-tastic Leadership Day is Thursday, March 2. Tours will be conducted at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Avondale is located at 1402 Crestmere St. in West Memphis. To attend Leadership Day at AES, please RSVP to Shea Hart shart@msd3.org or call 870-735-4588.
Photo by Mike Douglas