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Swearing in ceremony set for New Year’s Day

Swearing in ceremony set for New Year’s Day


Swearing in ceremony set for New Year’s Day

Elected officials will take their oaths at County Courthouse

A swearing-in ceremony for city, county, and state elected officials will be held Sunday, Jan. 1, at the Crittenden County Courthouse, at 2 p.m.

County Judge Woody Wheeless said any elected official needing to take the oath of office is invited to participate.

“I just want to get the word out in case somebody didn’t know and wants to be sworn in,” Wheeless said.

The ceremony is normally held earlier in the day, but Wheeless said he decided to hold it later in the afternoon to allow officials to attend religious services.

“Typically we do it at 10 a.m.,” Wheeless said.

“But because New Year’s falls on a Sunday this year, we decided to have it in the afternoon so people can attend church.”

The City of West Memphis will host its own swearing-in on Monday, Jan. 2, at 9 a.m. at City Hall. On a related matter, the Quorum Court will hold its first organizational meeting

of the new year on Tuesday, Jan. 3, at 9 a.m.

“That’s where we will set our meeting time and discuss how they want to get paid,” Wheeless said. “And whatever other business we need to transact like committee assignments.”

By the Evening Times News Staff

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