‘Shop with a Cop’ event warms hearts, spreads cheer
‘Shop with a Cop’ event warms hearts, spreads cheer
WMPD, Walmart bring holiday joy to Steudlein children
Ten West Memphis Police officers swarmed the front Door of Walmart Wednesday morning. They stood outside waiting. Onlookers began to wonder what was going down and then it happened. The breaks screeched on an unmarked white school bus. The door swung open and ten three and four year olds hopped off the bus and skipped there way in to the arms of the awaiting cops and it was on. Shop with Cops was underway.
Select students from Steudlein elementary enjoyed a $100 shopping spree courtesy of a community grant from Walmart to Shop With Cops.
As the cops and kids scooted inside, Captain Joe Baker explained the commotion outside the store.
“We are here shopping with ten Steudlein school children,” said Baker.
“They’ll each get a $100 gift card. An officer will walk around with each child picking out toys.”
Baker said the $1,000 gift came from Walmart with the help of Store Manager Terry Coleman to share with those in need at Christmas time.
“At Christmas time especially we see a lot of unmet needs that children have,” said Baker. “We are glad to be out in the community.
Shop with Cops gives us an opportunity to come together in the community with the school to interact and do something for these children.”
Steudlein Learning Center Executive Director Laura Carlson said the selected students were overjoyed when they got the word about the trip to Walmart with real policemen.
“As we were pulling up, the kids were so excited just to be at Walmart,” said Carlson. “Then when they saw the policeman they were kicking it up and doing a happy dance. They were really excited.”
Once everybody was properly introduced, the kids paired up with police officers and patrolled the toy aisles buddy system style.
The three and four year olds made deliberate selections. Some of them thought about their brothers and sisters too and selected gifts for their siblings during the gift getting spree.
The cops were happy to be a part of spreading the holi- day cheer. The smiles were contagious and shared between the small children and the cops as they shopped. Next thing you know the whole Walmart was all smiles spreading to store associates and shoppers,
By John Rech