Text The Times.
Text The Times.
Well, its that time of year again when we have to view photos of these so called hunters showing off their kills, after lurking behind trees and in their stands, waiting on their innocent prey to come along to perform their cowardly acts. So go ahead Mr. Editor and tell me if I do not wish to see them, skip to the next page. Now move on to the text. [ Editor’s Note: It seems like you already know the easy answer to your own question, but since I do always get a call or two this time of year, I don’t mind offering a more detailed explanation. Living where we do, there are a lot of hunters, including folks of all ages and races and, yes, as evidenced by the two pictures in last Thursday’s paper, both genders. With such a large hunter population, it only makes sense that we would cater to our audience. You are clearly not a fan, and that’s OK, too. Some people aren’t sports fans, so the Sports page does nothing for them, some people find the Horoscopes to be a waste of space, and so on. I could hit you with statistics about how the deer population would explode exponentially without annual, regulated hunts, or explain that hunting is a centuries- old practice that is part of human history, or that these “ cowardly acts” as you put it are part of our regional heritage and family tradition, but I won’t because you clearly have already formed an opinion, and you are certainly entitled to it, but so are all of our area hunters, and once a week for the next several weeks, you might want to skip the Outdoors page. It’s almost always the back page on Thursdays, so heads up]
*** Jim Slaton just a note about Stimson’s they do not have Diet faygo soda drinks. They explain Diets are a slower seller as a reason. Really! How much is a store to make per sale action? [ Editor’s Note: I’m not going to lie. If this is in reference to something I should already know about, I’m missing it. So, I’ll just take it at face value and say I’m sorry. I understand how it feels when you don’t have access to your preferred choice of a certain product, like when I can’t get Peter Pan peanut butter, or a restaurant only sells Pepsi products. I don’t really have an answer for you, but I feel your pain]
*** I just read the paper and saw where Cigna settled for 1.5 million in the hospital employee lawsuit. Great job, but as usual lawyer greed takes over and the employees that paid premiums get the short end of the stick. 2 years after the Hospital closed and the employees are still paying for management’s bad choices. Hey CRH foundation what ever happened to the 600 thousand dollars that the employees donated to the hospital foundation? We sure could use it.
[ Editor’s Note: On the one hand, it is very aggravating when the lawyers seem to get more than they should from a legal settlement, but on the other hand, no one forced anyone to “ lawyer up” with them. And whatever the plaintiff gets in those cases is that many more dollars than the zero dollars they would have gotten otherwise. As for your other concern, whatever dollars may have been still floating around when the hospital closed, I’m sure they are long gone now]
*** They stole from the employees at the hospital and the evening times didn’t do there job and investigate it but hey y’all not a new paper y’all are the comedy paper. [ Editor’s Note: I’d like to tell you that we have the resources and the manpower to send an exhaustive investigative team out into the field and investigate all of the rumors an innuendo that come along, but the truth is we just don’t. And, honestly, we don’t claim to be that kind of newspaper. Any sort of story like that would have to come to us in the form of an employee or other connected party willing to come forward on the record with proof of such a claim. And even then, there would have to be a preponderance of evidence to support such allegations. And I feel pretty confident that if anyone had such proof or evidence, you would have seen it on the news or in the courtroom. But hey, if we’re “ the comedy paper,” then I guess we are at least bringing a little happiness into the world]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week:
Big Fish!
Evelyn Wilson and Robert Butler show off the big catch of the day for their fishing trip.