Text The Times.
Text The Times.
My young son and I were driving west (between 11:30 and noon) on West Barton (Wed the 16th) and stopping at the 4 way on Rich Road. Luckily I glanced in my rear view mirror and noticed the flashing police lights coming up behind me at about 100 miles an hour, it was a car followed by 4 police SUV's. I barely had time to move over before I was hit. They continued this speed through the busy Richland School and turned onto Brentwood. There were no sirens which made it even more dangerous. I continued on Barton and saw the people in front of Richland and in their yards shaking their head in amazement.
I instantly remembered the King girl who was killed on Barton coming home from a DBS meeting (the result of a police chase) and the girl who was killed on Rich Road by the officer who put peoples lives in danger to arrest the shoplifter at WalMart. This was a demonstration of stupidity by the West Memphis Police Dept. I hope we see an article on this and a review of the pursuit policies of the police dept. There are plenty of people who witnessed and put in danger by this reckless driving if you need people to interview. I can think of only a time or two where this kind of behavior is necessary. [ Editor’s Note: Would a baby being abandoned in a Krystal parking lot be one of those times? Because based on your timeline and the West Memphis Police record, that seems to be the case. Luckily, the child was OK and the parents were arrested later, but when the original call was probably something along the lines of “ baby found in parking lot,” it seems like the WMPD made the right call in getting there in a hurry. Or maybe it was something else. Either way, glad you and your son were unharmed]
*** I hate that the MHS Willy Wonka promo photo wound up in the obit section. #newspaperfail [ Editor’s Note: Well, actually, if you bring up the online edition of the Times, you’ll see that they are simply next to each other in the paper. What you’re referring to is a Facebook link. Our web service provider makes odd decisions on how to put things together sometimes, assuming a photo always goes with nearby text, for example, which was the case here. We’ve only been using this service for a few months, so it’s a work in progress. But yeah, Willy Wonka and Obituaries make for a weird combination]
*** “Coats for Kids” Victory Church is giving away brand new coats for kids @ 1800 N. Missouri St. Suite 1B in West Memphis. Saturday, December 10, 2016. Hours: 10:00AM to Noon. Sizes range from infant (12 month) to boys and girls size 18. Children must be present to get a coat. First come – First served. [ Editor’s Note: Always glad to promote something like this. I know it hasn’t seemed like it, but winter is coming and having a warm coat is something most of us take for granted, so I’m happy to spread the word. The Marion Chamber of Commerce is doing a coat drive right now, so if you’ve got extras ( maybe they “ shrunk in the wash” like mine), you can drop them off there]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: