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Earle News


Earle News

Clayton Adams, pastor of First Assembly of God Church, was honored for Pastor’s Appreciation month with a potluck luncheon held following the worship service on Oct. 30. He was presented with a gift from the congregation.

*** A luncheon was held at the Earle Baptist Church Family Life Center Oct. 30 in honor of the guest speaker Iksan Lasmanto, a graduate of Mid-America Seminary in Memphis, and a missionary to his home country of Indonesia.

Alex Turner of Wynne was guest organist for the worship service. *** A combined costume party and cook out was held for the Assembly of God Church youth at the home of Laurie and Clayton Adams Oct. 28.

They enjoyed hot dogs and hamburgers, making smores, playing games, including a pumpkin scavenger hunt and were given treat bags for favors.

Cade Morris was voted winner for the best costume. Game prize winners were Cade, Bella Newingham and Nick Partain.

Others present were Hailee Newingham, Olivia and Emma Watson, Cassandra Soto, Thomas Arquitt and Deacon Partain.

Adults dropping by were Tabitha Newingham, Wendy Watson, Debbie and Carlos Love.

The girls remained for a sleepover, made pizzas, watched a movie and were treated with manicures and pedicures given by Anna Adams Armendariz.

*** The 5th Sunday night Hymn Sing was held at the Earle Baptist Church.

Rev. Tony Wells led the singing and sang “I’d Rather Have Jesus” and “Beulah Land” as solos. He also joined Janis Lancaster, Jane Speed, Dot McKinney and Sue Ann Elms to sing a medley. Rev. Frances Gamble sang “Vision of Heaven.”

Alex Turner was accompanist.

*** The Men’s Ministry of the First Assembly of God Church met at the Fellowship Hall Oct. 27 where they enjoyed a hamburger supper.

Included were Elbert Person, Carlos Love, Bobby Rodgers, Ricky Sides, Wayne Dover and Clayton Adams, pastor, who gave the devotional.

*** Lighted Pathways Church celebrated their fifth year of Ministry on Oct. 16.

Rev. Brad Roe was guest speaker followed by a potluck luncheon and a concert presented by “Reborn” an award winning trio of Jonesboro. Rev. Frances Gamble is pastor.

By Sue Ann Elms

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