Text The Times.
Text The Times.
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week:
Has Mayor Carolyn Jones gone too far this time by making false accusations, slandering people’s names and trying defame others character?
[ Editor’s Note: Well, I have to at least give her credit for putting up a fight. I guess the public will get the chance to have their say on the Jones mayorship once and for all next week]
*** Thank you so much text the time people I think you all are awesome yes it took three tries to get he correct pictures of the tree’s I would truly like someone to cut down and hall away for fire wood or mulch free for the cutting. thank you so much for running my add this the tree lady at 307 north 12th Street. again thank you all so much [ Editor’s Note: Well, I certainly hope someone can take care of your tree problem. I’d like to help, but that’s outside of my skill set. I could probably cut my hand off just looking at a chainsaw]
*** I was wondering why they are letting the lakes behind highland park dry up? I walk almost everyday there @ it’s really sad. They have pumps
[ Editor’s Note: I was out there a few weeks ago and the water levels looked fine. Of course, it’s been unseasonably dry, so I suppose things could have changed. If that’s the case, I don’t really have an answer for you]
*** Re: Earle, Ark. — Earle was a wonderful town to grow up in – ask anyone who lived here and graduated from Earle High School. When our 2 factories closed in the 50’s there was nothing here for people looking for a job – what a loss & one person got that ball rolling and helped destroy our town. Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton came and shared their thoughts. The pretty little town I remember was in 1938 and began to decline in the late 50’s (above).
Now we have a Mayor who must be the “Devils Advocate” as there is not much left to enjoy in Earle – how sad! No grocery store like the nice Mad Butcher we had that closed down “suddenly” about 2 years ago – no one knows why. Now we have Muslims businesses (one recently closed) and the churches have faced a big loss in membership (and service to God) as locals died or moved away.
We do have 2 Dollar Stores which are pretty good and do a good business, I suppose.
From local talk – the town is a thriving place for alcohol, drugs, vandalism, thievery, you name it. It is a “welfare town” as there are many elderly folks who just do their best to get by – hurray for them.
The town is full of “big ticket” new cars – wonder where this money is coming from ??? This doesn’t come from “welfare folks” – maybe?
Town Logo: “Community of Pride and Progress” – sorry that is not true – rather a “Town of Loss & Regrets.”
We have had no real leadership from the last 3 Mayors so if you can its better to pack up & leave Earle. If you can!
(written a sorrowful heart!) — Longtime Citizen of Earle [ Editor’s Note: I wish I had a better prognosis for you about the long- term future of Earle, but it’s just a simple truth at this point that small communi-ties like Earle are fading fast. The Interstates have made small highway towns like Earle ( and Turrell and Parkin and Hughes and Marianna and so on…) all but obsolete. Some small towns have fared better thanks to farming, but it’s just an evolution of society and something that’s really been going on for about a century ( but really since the end of World War II). The south has seen rural life erode away until only towns that can establish a unique identity or offer some special attraction that are above some kind of population threshhold ( around 7,000 to 10,000) can really avoid drying up and blowing away. Eventually, the only people that will be left in these small towns will be people who simply have nowhere else to go]
[Editor’s Note: One of our Text the Times readers sent in a picture of this sign making some allegations that, “Coo Coo”, “Early Mae” and “Finus Jones” are “The three people that started the forged and misrepresented petition for a recall of the mayor. They stated that they needed your signature to repair the streets, etc. On Nov. 8, 2016, please vote against the removal of Carolyn M. Jones.” I can’t really tell, but I’d be interested to know where that sign is posted]
Photo submitted via Text the Times