Kenneth Cross seeks re-election to Quorum Court Position #9
Kenneth Cross seeks re-election to Quorum Court Position #9
Kenneth Cross has announced his bid for re-election to the Crittenden County Quorum Court Position #9 (Earle).
“My name is Kenneth Cross and I am seeking your vote to return me to the District #9 position on the Quorum Court which covers Earle, Jeanette and Crawfordsville (the bottom).” said Cross. “I am a lifelong resident of the City of Earle and feel that I have proved to be an asset to the Citizens through my last few years of service on the Quorum Court. I am a proud graduate of the Earle Public School System, a graduate of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, a private business owner, participated with the local Chamber of Commerce, attend church in the city, and hope to continue in leadership to help bring positive changes and growth to our city.”
Cross said he is optimistic about the future of Earle due to the great historical background of the area and the possibilities because of its location.
“A unified City Government will enable us to correct many issues now facing the city. We will be able to get Grant funding to bring many things like the new library to fruition. I