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Never Again

Never Again


Never Again

The appearance of Donald Trump on the landscape of American politics has made one thing abundantly clear.

Never again will the public have the chance to shake off the firm grip on power that the corrupt establishment has on the reins of government.

For Trump has broken the mold of influence-peddling and self-serving politicians in our nation's capital. He is, at once, a refreshing and exciting lone figure on the scene of history by virtue of his being the only one who is trying to set things right. This is why he has excited the electorate to feverpitch.

Witness this quote from a recent speech, when Trump said: “It is time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C!”

Who else has said that?

No one.

Wait a minute…

Nope. Still no one.

How about now?

Un-uh, still no.

It won't be easy for him to pull out a victory, whether the election results are rigged or not, as Trump has pointed out.

Really, not having voting by dead people, felons, illegal aliens, the insane, multiple- voters, or any others who commit voter fraud; even curtailing all this, STILL might not be enough to win a legitimate victory in this election cycle.

Look at what he has to compete against.

First, there's the Democrats to surmount.

Courtesy of James O'Keefe, who is a conservative activist, and his group's Project Veritas, a disturbing set of videos of the Democrat operatives in action has surfaced which shows their dirty-political tricks this election season.

Here is the background story: A Scott Foval-subcontractor for a Robert Creamer (liberal activist based in Washington who was hired by the Democrats)-is heard in one Project Veritas film, boasting about sending people-some of whom were mentally ill-to incite violence at Trump rallies. In a second film, he is heard to muse on how to get away with voter fraud by sending out-of-state residents to the polls via cars instead of buses, so it doesn't tip off election officials to their illegal activities. The audio/video tapes are on YouTube, if you wish to view them for yourself.

Hope you've got a strong stomach… there's a lot of cursing on the tape.

In disgrace, three days ago — at the time of this article — Creamer resigned from his duties on behalf of the Democrats and Foval was fired from Americans United for Change, which had a contracting relationship with Democrat Partners.

Next, there's the Fourth Estate of the 'Old World' media types who are masquerading as journalists but ARE REALLYWORKING as Fifth Columnists for the self-same Democrats to subvert honest reporting. Via WikiLeaks, the worst fears of the public-that the media has been solidly in Hillary's court from the beginning of the campaignhave been confirmed.

Here are just two such instances: One New York Times reporter asked Hillary's permission to release a story about her in advance… a journalistic no-no.

Then, a former CNN reporter who now works on her staff-Donna Brazilewho allegedly sent an email on March 12, just one day before a Democratic presidential town hall debate between Sen. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton – titled, “From time to time I get the questions in advance,” to Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton's campaign communications director. The e-mail provided a question about the death penalty that she said “worries me about HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton.)” Really?

And there are many, many more revelations such as these coming out now. It's called pimping for politicians.

That's our 'Old World' media in action.

And finally, there's the establishment RINOS (Republicans in Name Only) who are wrestling to keep their power base and the flow of bribe money and campaign contributions funds flowing into their coffers from rich big daddies and their lobbyist minions with governmental connections.

However, Trump can stand apart from such connivances, because as he himself states, he is wealthy already and will not be a puppet of the wellto- do. And, more significantly, what makes Trump vastly different from the quid-pro-quo crowd, is that he may not BE like us, but at least he LIKES us.

Can't say that about 'ol Hillary.

According to her, those who are Trump supporters are a 'basket of deplorables' and 'irredeemable,' as she said in a speech to her hoity-toity wealthy donors at a fashionable New York soiree recently.

You probably didn't know about it because you weren't invited to the party. Guess why?

And as to her own Democratic party? Of Bernie Sander's supporters, she said in a February fundraiser, they are, “…living in their parents' basement… being a barista or some other job that doesn't pay a lot and doesn't have much of a ladder of opportunity attached to it.'

No wonder Americans voters of BOTH parties are looking for an outsider to the political process in this election cycle! We ALL should be on the ANYONE- BUT-HILLARY bus. For, we need a time of healing from the devastation of the last 8 years of recession which the liberal socialist agenda has wrought upon our land.

The Democrat and Republican status quo political machines prior to the appearance of Trump on the scene represented two wings of the same predatory bird, which has been feasting on the carcass of the American citizenry.

In light of this, how can anyone say with a straight face, that our system of elections is on the up-andup? And, knowing all this, why would any informed, intelligent voter not walk through the flames of hell to pull the lever in the voting booth for Donald Trump for President of the United States?

True…the present administration has set records: Record deficits.

Record national debt.

Record numbers of people on welfare and food stamps.

Record under-employment and unemployment.

Record numbers of business failures. Record number of illegal aliens.

Record number of refugees fleeing the Middle-East, that Hillary Clinton was instrumental as Secretary of State in setting fire to.

The world is coming down on our heads.

You don't have to be Chicken Little to know it.

By Robert L. Hall

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