Election Commission announces changes in poll locations
Election Commission announces changes in poll locations
Post cards send notifying voters of new sites for Nov.
8 election
Several poll locations will change for the November 8th General Election according to the Crittenden County Election Commission. Commissioner Frank Barton stated that there were several reason for the changes.
“In West Memphis we believe that a long term goal should be to move away from the schools that currently serve as poll sites,” he explained. “They are congested enough on school days and the electioneering that occurs on school property can be disruptive to the school environment. In the case of Marion, we needed more capacity to handle the number of election day voters so we added one poll location and moved another location to a place with more space. In Edmondson and Anthonyville we moved to new locations that will have more space.”
The County Clerk's office has already started sending post cards notifying voters that are affected. In West Memphis, voters that voted at Richland School will now vote at the First Baptist Church located at 2000 N. Missouri St. Voters that have been going to Weaver School will now go to the 7th Street Church of Christ, located at 899 N 7th St.
In Marion voters in Ward 1 will be voting at the Marion Church of God, located at 1717 Hwy 64. Voters in Ward 2 will now vote at Immanuel Baptist Church, located at 1714 Hwy 77.
Ward 3 voters will continue to vote at the County Office Building. Votes in Anthonyville will now vote at Anthonyville City Hall. In Edmondson, voters will gather at Wedlock Elementary to cast their ballots.
“The Election Commission will do everything it can to successfully help voters transition to these new poll locations. In addition to the notices that are being mailed and the newspapers announcements, we will have signage at the old locations directing voters to their new polling places”, Barton said. “We believe that these new locations will enhance the overall voting experience.”
By the Evening Times News Staff