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[ Editor’s

[ Editor’s


Today I received an email with the subject 'He needs the TRUTH' from the Republican party (contact@

Emails from this address normally ask for a donation but this time they want the truth. Don't they already have the truth or some amount of it? It asks 'He needs to know the truth, which is why we only have one more question for you…DO YOU STAND WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP?' It seems not to be so much a case of Jack Nicholson's words from A Few Good Men, 'You can't handle the truth' but rather more that he can't recognise or understand the truth. There may be some irony in that film name as well. The Washington Post website states 'President Trump made 16,241 false or misleading claims in his first three years' (Jan 21). I have no way of confirming or disproving these claims but the paper has a reputation for honest reporting including about previous presidents. There are some absolute truths and I am not sure he really wants my personal answer to that question. There is something wrong with the world when the most powerful leader wants me to tell him the truth and a world leading newspaper casts doubts on his honesty.

Note: I did a little digging online and I can say with almost 100 percent assurance that the email you received did not come from the Republican Party. It’s pretty easy to fake an email address. But even if it did come from the GOP, you have to understand that we are in the final six months of a very contentious presidential campaign, so supporters on both sides are actively engaged in trying to woo voters. President Trump is too busy waging war against Twitter and Facebook right now to get into worrying about “ absolute truths” anyway]

decide to stop wearing masks? Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean the coronavirus is over with.

People are still getting sick every day!!! [ Editor’s Note: Best I can tell you, a lot of folks have reached the end of their willingness to play by the rules. I can tell you from personal experience, though, that I’ve found something worse than waiting in line at the DMV… waiting in line at the DMV with an N95 mask on. Between going to the insurance office, then the assessor’s office and then sitting in the revenue office, I wasn’t sure I would get my new truck tagged before I passed out…]

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