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My deepest sympathies to the Class of 2020



N ow, I know that the number of high schoolers that read this paper, I can probably count on my fingers… maybe even one hand, but if you know anyone who’s a senior, feel free to pass this one along. Maybe it’ll help. Probably not.

You see, unless you’re pretty actively involved in the local high school scene, you might not even have thought about that the students who are seniors this year have had a pretty big monkey wrench thrown into the gears of their last couple of months of their grade school careers.

For the past 12 and-a-half years, these students have all collectively and individually been marching ever- so-slowly toward one single moment… high school graduation. It’s supposed to be the culmination of everything they’ve been working for since the first day of kindergarten and the celebrations should already be gearing up…

Except, of course, for the coronavirus pandemic.

Yep, in addition to all the sports, church events, and large-scale get-togethers that have been cancelled, postponed or simply put into limbo by the COVID-19 crisis, the Class of 2020 has basically seen the final leg of their senior year thrown out the window.

Just yesterday, word came out that West Memphis has officially cancelled their Senior Prom, just the next thing that had to be shut down because of the decree banning gatherings of more than 10 people. There’s no getting around the fact… that stinks!

And you know, even if it’s not official yet, there’s a pretty good chance… in fact, I can almost guarantee, that the next thing to get the axe will be graduation ceremonies. And that really, really stinks. It would be like playing hard all season, make it to the championship game, only to have the game cancelled the night before you’re supposed to play for the title.

Oh, wait. Yeah, that happened, too.

Now, because people are terrible, it didn’t take long for folks to start being terrible about this issue too. “Aww, poor snowflakes… missing the prom. Yeah, I missed my prom too… because I was in Vietnam.” I’m not making that up. I wish I was. There have been plenty of folks who have assured anyone that would listen that it’s no big deal.

Except, you know what? It is a big deal.

No, it’s not the end of the world. And in the big picture, it’s definitely more important to keep safe and follow the social distancing protocols and weather this storm than it is to have a dance or to file into the football field to pick up a piece of paper that says you finished high school.

But it’s still important.

I don’t have anyone I’m close to that is graduating this year, but if I did, I’d offer them a few words of encouragement, such as:

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As much as it sucks now, this will actually make for a pretty interesting story to tell people later in life. Like, I hated all the bad stuff I’ve had to go through in life, but man, do I have some stories to tell at parties.

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Speaking of parties, I know missing your prom is a major bummer (do the cool kids still say “major bummer” these days? If not, we should bring it back), but if nothing else, think of the money you’ll save!

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It’s a huge deal now, but it really, really won’t matter a year from now. I promise you’ll get your diploma. Even if you don’t get to do it in front of a stadium full of family and friends, it still counts as graduating. Come August, when you’re in college, or when you’re working, or whatever you’ve got planned for adult life, you’ll probably never give it a second thought.

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And let me close with this: Your school and your parents are not going to let you down. It might be small-scale, or it might be some strange online version, but you’ll get your recognition. There have been all kinds of creative and unique ways people have gone above and beyond to make the best of a bad situation, and I’m willing to bet that something cool takes the place of traditional graduation ceremonies.

If you’re a senior, I know none of this makes you feel any better, but believe me when I say this will pass. Later in life, when your high school diploma is hanging on your wall, when you’ve got a picture of some other fancy formal dance on the mantle, this won’t matter.

But it matters now, so if you know a senior, do something for them to let them know you’re thinking about them. You’d think that being out of school for all this time would be a pretty fair exchange for missing out on all these fun things and important events, but it’s not.

So, congrats and condolences, Class of 2020. Hang in there!

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