Fish Fry for Steudlein
Fish Fry for Steudlein
Support a great school, enjoy a great meal
On Friday, March 15, Steudlein Learning Center, located at 1600 Avondale Circle, in West Memphis, will be hosting their annual “Drive-Thru Fish Fry.”
From 5 to 7 p.m., for just $12 dollars per plate, customers will get a plate of fish, french fries, hushpuppies, slaw and a homemade dessert.
Remember, it’s drivethrough and pick-up orders only (no dine-in).
To purchase tickets, call (870) 733-9950, or stop by the Steudlein office.
Proceeds to benefit Steudlein students. Special thanks to Tacker’s Shake Shack.
By John Rech