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Ambitious budget for West Memphis in 2019

The new year hasn’t even begun and already West Memphis politicians are questioning some of the 2019 budget requests being made by this brand new administration and department heads.

For example, veteran Councilwoman Lorraine Robinson repeatedly questioned the need for Mayor-elect Marco McClendon to drive around in a brand new Chevrolet Tahoe, and wanted to know just exactly who made such a request during an end of the year budget meeting where the decision was made to pass just portion of the new year’s budget so as to pay January salaries.

In addition, council members were presented with departmental budgets with numerous expense requests including a pay increase for the assistant fire chief position in addition to a request for a new Tahoe for the newly named fire chief.

McClendon’s announcement that he has selected Dennis Brewer as the incoming chief to fill the void left by retiring Chief Wayne Gately came as a total surprise to the rank and file within the fire department and the controversial appointment led to the announcement Assistant Fire Chief Jeff Jones would be leaving. Jones served the city with progressive advancement for 23 years. McClendon also announced the appointment of Division Chief Dewayne Rose as Brewer’s assistant chief.

It seems the reasoning for McClendon desiring a Chevrolet Tahoe, similar to the vehicles the police department use, is that parts and servicing cost tend to stay lower with a fleet of matching vehicles already in operation, says McClendon.

Robinson asked why does it have to be something as expensive as a Tahoe and Councilman Tracy Catt responded by saying that the budget committee thinks the cost of the Tahoe will be about $25,000 and said that is not out of the realm of a reasonable price.

While the council did agree to bid the vehicle it was brought up that purchasing such a fleet vehicle similar to the ones within the police department can’t be ordered without the police equipment installed.

As these budget hearings continue salary increases for employees in other city departments will also have to be addressed. For months the argument being made by department heads is that they and their employees aren’t being paid at the same level as city workers in other cities of similar size.

With all these added costs, from new vehicles to increased raises it will be interesting to see how City Treasurer Frank Martin is able to pull the rabbit out of the hat and come up with the tax dollars to pay for this long laundry list of goodies.

While McClendon has served on this city council for years we’re sure he’s very well aware of the challenges he faces as this city’s new mayor. And, let us point out, it doesn’t come as much of a surprise that there are skeptics already questioning some of the decisions being made.

Furthermore, early retirements from veteran fire and police officers will create challenges in that these long-time civil servants will be difficult to replace.

It will be only a matter of time as to how this council and new mayor work together in dealing with the challenges that lie ahead and how it will impact the citizens.

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