Times reporter up for tourism award
Times reporter up for tourism award
Rech among 2019 Henry Awards finalists
From Arkansas Parks and Tourism
info@arkansas.com The 2019 Henry Awards winners will be revealed at the 45th Annual Arkansas Governor’s Conference on Tourism to be held in Hot Springs February 24-26, 2019. The awards ceremony will take place during the Governor’s Banquet on Feb.26.
The awards and respective finalists are: The Media Support Award, which is presented annually to a distinguished individual or organization for extraordinary attention to and/or support of Arkansas’s tourism industry through the use of media.
Nominees: Gary Jones Video; JC Productions; John Rech.
The Bootstrap Award, which is presented annually to an individual, organization, or community that has achieved significant success “on a shoestring,” having limited means to work with, either in resources or finances.
Nominees: First Friday Monthly Market, Camden; Melba Theater, Batesville; Zombie Crawl, Eureka Springs.
The Arkansas Heritage Award, which is presented annually to an individual, organization, or community that has made a significant contribution toward the preservation of some aspect of Arkansas’s natural, cultural or aesthetic legacy. Nominees: Arkansas Quilt Trails; Edgemont House; George’s Majestic Lounge.
The Grand Old Classic Special Event Award, which is presented annually to a festival, fair or other special celebration that has “stood the test of time” and become an established example to follow. Nominees: Lum & Abner Festival; Fordyce Cottonbelt Festival; Old Soldiers Reunion.
The Outstanding Volunteer Service Award, which is presented annually to a community, individual or organization that through outstanding volunteer spirit has made a substantial contribution to Arkansas’s tourism industry. Nominees: Central Arkansas Trail Alliance; Ozark Off-Road Cyclists; Searcy Chamber of Commerce The Community Tourism Development Award, which is presented annually to a community or organization that has achieved substantial success in the enhancement of its local resources through imaginative and innovative development efforts. Nominees: Discover Siloam Springs; Helena A& P; Visit Hot Springs.
The Natural State Award, which is presented annually to a community, organization, special event or attraction that “stands out in the crowd” because of its unique appeal, media coverage, creative approach and/or enhancement of community pride, thus benefiting the state’s quality of life. Nominees: Bentonville 8th Street Market; Fort Smith Bicentennial Celebration; Tour ‘da Delta Bicycle Ride.