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A new year means new beg nnings

By Michael Coulter

Okay Ralph, we’ve made it through 2018, a year we experienced some very positive changes, one of which was the long-anticipated opening of a brand new hospital.

Oh, let me also point out how the impressive Big River Trail from Memphis to West Memphis and Crittenden County has brought considerable attention to our side of the Mississippi River and what we have to offer. And then, there was the development of the super mega site that was carefully crafted by the united efforts of the West Memphis economic development team, the City of Marion, Crittenden County, Entergy as well as economic development officials with the Arkansas Economic Development Agency.

This massive economic development endeavor will hopefully be the major news of 2019 as major industrial investors seriously consider taking advantage of what this industrial property has to offer and how it can benefit them.

From a historical point Ralph, West Memphis Mayor Marco McClendon has an excellent opportunity to demonstrate to the citizens of this county’s largest city that being only the second black man to hold the highest office of this municipality he can bring about positive change that will be beneficial to all concerned.

And, for the first time, West Memphis has Eddie West as the first black chief who has also served as this department’s assistant police chief for many years and is very knowledgeable with the issues he will be faced with in 2019.

As I pointed out in the beginning Crittenden County has a new and modern hospital all because of the enormous effort of one of Crittenden County’s most popular county judges. We’re all familiar with Judge Woody Wheeless’ leadership and the enormous work he has done to bring Baptist Hospital to our county.

And, let’s not fail to mention one of Crittenden County’s most popular sheriffs. Sheriff Mike Allen’s re-election last November is simply a very positive response from the citizens of Crittenden County to the professionalism he has created within the sheriff’s office.

I am being very optimistic here Ralph in saying that with the proven leadership of Woody Wheeless, Sheriff Allen, Marion Mayor Frank Foglemen and those individuals who have helped make these leaders successful I have no doubt their suggestions and involvement in helping newly Elected Mayor McClendon succeed will yield big dividends for not only the citizens of West Memphis but also Crittenden County.

I know that at any time Sheriff Allen will always be willing to assist newly appointed Police Chief West and his department and I an confident that Judge Wheeless will always be ready to cooperate in any way he can.

While I know that Mayor McClendon begins 2019 with a considerable amount of questions and concerns rest assured he has his city council and his experienced department heads to rely upon.

McClendon has a great opportunity and I only hope he shows us all he can be as successful as the other leaders I have mentioned.

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