Eastern Star installs 2019 Officers
Eastern Star installs 2019 Officers
Robert E. Spillman #550, Order of the Eastern Star of Arkansas recently installed officers for the new year, (left to right) Seated: Dale Jones, Associate Patron; Vera Worsham, Associate Matron; Doris Gately, Worthy Matron; John Ed Farris, Worthy Patron, (second row) Barbara Boone, Warder; Cindy Houston, Caplain; Geneva Hall, Associate Conductress; Faye Johnson, Sentinel; Michele Norsworthy, Ruth; Billie Greer, Ester; (back row)Sharon May, Treasurer; Jo Lee Bearden, Secretary; Adair Dhorlty, Conductress; Tabatha Johnson, Adah; Athena Murphy, Electa; Leigh Rlpka, Organist. Not pictured: Pharetha Wilson, Martha and Nola Daniel, Marshal. Installing Officers were: Nancy Lindsey, Installing Officer; Beth Huddleston, Installing Marshal; Vicki Goodman, Installing Chaplain and Grace Maxson, Installing Organist.
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