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Complaints Submitted over Medical Marijuana Applications

LITTLE ROCK – The Alcoholic Beverage Control will investigate claims made against companies picked to grow medical marijuana in Arkansas.

14 complaints against those companies were submitted to the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission earlier this year. The letters include complaints that accuse companies of corruption, that the process was inconsistent, and that the facilities chosen didn’t follow the rules set for where they could be located.

Scott Hardin, a spokesperson with the Department of Finance, said that only eight of the complaints would be investigated. He said that officials with Alcoholic Beverage Control will not review six of the protest letters that dealt with the review and scoring of cultivation facility applications, only claims that companies provided false statements during the application process.

The vote to make medical marijuana legal in Arkansas passed in November 2016. The state expects it to be made available for the first time in March 2019. Owners with each of the five selected cultivation faculties have been asked to attend and to provide an update to the commission on their progress.

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