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The Football Game

The Football Game


The Football Game

So, the other evening I went to a West Memphis High football game and enjoyed a glorious evening watching two teams go after each other, but with a sportsman-like attitude. Two great teams giving their all, blessed with talented young men displaying their skills in competition.

And also, two marching bands doing likewise, under the auspices of coaches, teachers, administrators and the like overseeing their glowing performances.

Exciting, exhilarating even.

Two sides, two different teams of young folks in uniform — going, obviously, for the win.

Quite unlike so-called grown-ups in Washington, D.C., who are playing another game; Like teams opposing each other, but where there is no sportsmanship involved. Not by a long shot.

Like the hit job the Lefties did on a fine man — Bret Kavanaugh, who without doubt had been groomed and prepared for a Supreme Court Justice-quite possibly, since his birth. Brilliant, decent, kind, a Constitutional scholar, a friend of almost every person he ever encountered in his personal and professional life. But, the leftist Democrats in Congress went after him and his family like wolves after a wounded rabbit.

I mean, if a pristine, even squeaky-clean reputation like Kavanaugh's could be assailed, who is safe from attack? And it should be added… attacks by only innuendo, just by insinuation.

Without proof, without a shred of evidence. Thirtysix years later… Like… if they are going after a person like that, who's next?

When I switch on the television tomorrow, will the Democrats be badmouthing my elderly momma?

Invading churches and pounding on the doors of sanctuaries like they beat on the doors of the Supreme Court building?

Will they be pulling down statues of Jesus like they are our past military and political heroes?

I mean, they are chasing down our elected Senators in the halls of our capital, attacking lawmakers in restaurants, breaking into Republican headquarters, and who can forget the crazed Bernie Sanders groupie who emptied his automatic weapon on a ball field full of our Congressmen, trying to wipe them all out recently?

Read the real news: We got powdered poison being mailed to our political and military leaders?

What the h— is wrong with people?

They've lost their minds.

And the non-stop namecalling from the Old Media?

Hateful, racist, vituperative invective handed down by their corporate masters to the sock-puppets pretending to be journalists, when they are just mouthing talking points that are being spoon-fed to them from on high.

Talking points in support off-shoring and out-sourcing our industry and manufacturing to foreign countries, or in favor of slave labor in the form of illegal aliens, so that Big Moneywhich is payrolling the Democrat party in an concerted all-out effort to take out the American middleclass of this country-can hand over by force the reins of government to socialists from Third-World hell holes and socialist headcases on the take from the George Soros financial machine-hell-bent violent anarchists who vent their spleen on innocents, traveling the country, posing and posturing for the cameras of their accomplices in the leftist-leaning media.

But, here I sit… in the bleachers of the playing field of the high school game, enjoying the spectacle of competition, the energy and promise of youths giving their all in common cause.

Likewise, the audience in crowd around me. All of us cheering in support-not of the same team, but of a team. Respectfully, dutifully, with an attitude of thanksgiving for what we were watching.

Yet, in our political world, among supposedly grownup people, I see and hear very little of respect, duty or thanksgiving.

Instead, there seems to be a dearth of respect by some for our dully-elected government officials or our sacred constitution, which was drafted so long ago by men of wisdom and integrity. Those who pledged their fortunes and their lives to each other in pursuit of freedom. Listen… here’s the truth.

We are not even on two different teams.

We should be on the same team.

That's the only difference between a sports game and our country.

For this reason… when Americans win, we all win. When Americans lose, we all lose.

And in the bleachers on a fine night, overhead lights bright over a playing field where young people strive fully in a sporting event, I realize that everyone wins by being part of it.

So, when are adults going to figure out the same thing about our country?

Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University. He is the pianist for Avondale Baptist Church and a writer of fiction on Amazon eBooks.

By Robert L. Hall

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