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WM sanitation still running behind

WM sanitation still running behind


WM sanitation still running behind

Crews working overtime, weekends to catch up on collections

If your average lawyer, engineer or insurance salesman missed a day at work, most people would hardly notice, but if the trash collection is a day behind, everyone notices.

And citizens have, indeed, noticed that West Memphis’s trash collection has continued to run behind.

City Engineer Amanda Hicks told the Public Works Commission that strides to train more drivers were made, but the claw trucks continued to operate with Saturday overtime.

The department needed all the vehicles and manpower it could muster to catch up to the expected collection days of city residents.

“We have four out of five of our trash trucks running,” said Hicks.

Three of the trucks collect debris all day, the fourth truck is manned in the afternoons. The fifth truck needed a rebuilt motor.

Price quotes were obtained comparing a rebuild job at the city shop verses a dealer rebuilt engine installation.

More Sanitation Department drivers were trained up over the summer.

“We have cross trained drivers,” said Hicks. “We have three right now all day, and one in the afternoon when he comes on.

We’re still working Saturdays.”

On-the-job injuries reflect the physical nature of a job, effective training delivery, department moral and safety awareness of individuals. Hicks reported the Sanitation Department accounted for one more workers comp claim in July. The worker has remained off the job rehabilitating as medically prescribed.

By John Rech

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