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West Memphis to put SkyCops at all city schools

West Memphis to put SkyCops at all city schools


West Memphis to put SkyCops at all city schools

Surveillance cameras will keep watchful eye on students districtwide The start of a new school year means new concerns about an old issue — school safety. With violence at schools a growing problem nationwide, parents and school officials are always looking for new ways to ensure the safety of students and staff.

With that in mind, the West Memphis Police Department has announced that the city will be installing SkyCop cameras at all West Memphis School District schools this school year. The department announced last Wednesday that a set of the surveillance system cameras had been ordered specifically for the city’s public schools, Bragg Elementary, Faulk Elementary, LR Jackson Elementary, Maddux Elementary, Weaver Elementary, Wonder Elementary, East Junior High, West Junior High, Wonder Junior High and the Academies of West Memhpis. The SkyCop devices are expected to be installed at all West Memphis district schools within a month of the new school year, which starts today.

With more than a dozen incidents of on-campus violence in the U.S. in the last half of the 2017-2018 school year, West Memphis School officials were among districts who dedicated a significant amount of time over the summer break looking at ways of reducing risks at their schools and deter potential shootings or other violent incidents.

“Nationwide that’s pretty much dominated the topic board for most public schools all summer,” said West Memphis Superintendent Jon Collins. “In the state of Arkansas, it’s no different.”

The move is part of a citywide initiative to increase the number of Sky Cop systems in operation around the city. Police officials say Sky Cops have proven useful at key intersections and higher crime neighborhoods. West Memphis Police Captain Robert Langston outlined the plan.

“We’ll have about 30 by the end of the year and over the next year or two that should go to 40-to-50 around the city,” said Langston.

SkyCop Inc. is a Memphis- based company. Sky-Cop’s targeted surveillance system “identifies disturbances, helps track perpetrators and identifies crime hot spots efficiently so law enforcement can intervene,” according to their

File Photo web site. “Our audio and video surveillance systems employ superior technology for gunshot identification, thermal imaging and license plate recognition. In many cases, SkyCop’s presence alone is enough to deter criminals. Our imposing towers, lights and cameras signal police presence in a commanding way.”

By Ralph Hardin

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