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‘Socks for Seniors’

‘Socks for Seniors’


‘Socks for Seniors’

Health Department makes donation to East Arkansas Area Agency on Aging

East Ark. Area Agency on Aging The Arkansas Department of Health made a contribution of 154 pairs of socks to East Arkansas Area Agency on Aging to be distributed among home care patients.

“Our Agency currently serves more than 500 clients in the home care program in twelve counties in the Delta,” explained Jacque McDaniel, executive director. “When their needs are examined, it is common to think of help with bathing, cooking, or household chores. The restrictions created by health conditions bring on a secondary set of needs that cannot be met by individuals because of their very limited ability to get out of the house.

“Many, many families take care of the chores of shopping or transporting to appointments. Unfortunately, some of our patients lack that type support,” Mc-Daniel added. The socks will be distributed based on need with 90 pairs of women's and 64 pairs of men's socks available. The home care program serves the elderly, adult disabled, veterans, their wives or widows.

For more information, contact the Agency's central office, 800-467-3278.

From Becky Baker

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