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West Memphis looking to shore up city codes

West Memphis looking to shore up city codes


West Memphis looking to shore up city codes

Council looking at pair of ordinances governing standards and fees

Boxers know a one-two combination can be effective in the ring. West Memphis city council formally began considering a pair of ordinances that would combine to bring city codes and fees up to date. A whole new code book and fee structure was put on the drawing board. City Council heard the first reading of the proposed ordinances. It will be read for the second time and again for the final time at the two regular city council meetings during February before it could go into effect.

The bulk of the work was initiated by the Municipal League and many cities across the state will consider similar changes.

“We have recodified,” said Senior Deputy City Clerk Cindy Greenwood.

The city clerks office handles all the privilege licenses for business, dog tags, taxi license, administers the two recent Advertising & Promotion taxes, mixed drink tax and retail beer, wine and liquor licensing. Its all governed by a code book and various fees.

Greenwood explained why the new code must be adopted. The codes and fees will be covered under separate ordinances. The clerk indicated future fee increases would be easier to make.

“What the new code did was take out all the fees our ordinances had in them,” said Greenwood. “Another ordinance goes along with that one to be adopted at the same time. The new code took out the fees. The fee ordinance puts them in by ordinance where we can just amend that ordinance anytime a fee changes rather than amend the whole code.”

Some of the codes and fees are outdated. Fees charged by West Memphis have remained level for nearly 40 years.

“Our fees have not been updated since 1979,” said Greenwood. “There weren’t even computers in 1979. We don’t have a category for industry. Truck stops and industry generate a lot of demand for police and fire services. I see us increasing those fees for the amount of time our police have to go to these places.”

“Some of the fees are so low they are ridiculous,” said Mayor Bill Johnson.

“A daycare is $5.50,” said Greenwood. “Anyone with a child knows how much it costs to keep a child in day care. After June the fee drops to half a year and it is only $2.00, that is just one example.”

Greenwood had made a comparison study of fees in comparable cities.

Councilman James Pulliaum asked for suggestions for revised fees.

“Sherwood and North Little Rock have a fee for manufacturers plus an additional amount the number of employees. That way it equals out for big businesses verses mom and pop


By John Rech

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