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WMPD continuing work in the community

WMPD continuing work in the community


WMPD continuing work in the community

Department keeping residents informed, having positive contact with the public Efforts to involve the community and curtail criminal activity by the West Memphis Police Department continue to bear fruit.

In addition to recent events such as a gun buyback day and social gatherings like “Coffee with a Cop” at the local McDonald’s, the WMPD is using Facebook to keep citizens informed.

“We have had several vehicles broken into on Dogwood Cove over night last night and one on Stratford Drive,” read a community alert posted earlier this week on the department’s Facebook page. “All four of the vehicles were left unlocked. Please lock your vehicles when they are parked!!! If you see someone or something suspicious please call 870-735-1210.”

To date, the WMPD’s Facebook page has more than 6,100 followers. The page gives residents immediate up-to-date information and provides a two-way line of communication between the police and the public.

Another outreach program is the use of Rusty the Crime Dog, the WMPD’s unofficial mascot. The larger than life pooch was hard at work last week at the ASU Mid-South Health & Wellness Fair. Rusty visited with the kids and the vendors for the event and kept everyone safe. The friendly neighborhood police dog has been a fixture at community and school events.

Also, the series of community meetings has been a success. Last Thursday at Weaver Elementary School. Police held another public forum focused on crime trends and community issues with the hope of working to take positive steps to better the community with input from the public.

The WMPD is even taking the message regionally.

Last Friday, WMPD Sgt.

Richard Dennis provided violent intruder training to the Wynne School District.

WMPD offers this training to our local schools and businesses but is certainly willing help out other agencies in Northeast Arkansas

whenever requested.

By Ralph Hardin

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