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ASU Mid-South groups host human rights panel discussion

ASU Mid-South groups host human rights panel discussion


ASU Mid-South groups host human rights panel discussion

Students discuss issues with faculty at unique gathering

ASU Mid-South Over 110 students attended a human rights panel discussion at Arkansas State University Mid-South last week. The discussion, hosted jointly by the Sigma Kappa Delta, English honor society for two year colleges and TRiO Student Support Services, set the stage for students to listen and to voice their own concerns and opinions about human rights issues.

The panel discussion was appreciated by several students for what it brought to the campus. “The discussions were very detailed and informative and presented by well-spoken teachers. It was a good way to get students thinking about something else other than what they might be learning in class,” commented student attendee Gabriele Ivonne Sneed.

“Also it got the students involved and brought them together for something different.”

Mariana Gallegos, another student in attendance commented, “The panel had three speakers which did an amazing job in sharing their thoughts of civil rights. It was a great discussion and many students were actively asking questions. I personally feel that our school needs more discussions like this about different subjects. We are the next generation and it's great to start speaking our minds about things that are going on in the world. I also enjoyed it because it made our school gather as one to listen and share each other's ideas. ASU Mid-South should continue to do more events like this in the future.”

The panel discussion addressed one of the criteria set forth by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), the accrediting body for ASU Mid-South, providing students with the opportunity to voice their opinions. “It’s extremely important on an institutional level, that students have forums and opportunities for personal expression,” said Michelle McMillen, Associate Vice Chancellor for Institutional Research & Effectiveness, and the HLC Accreditation Liaison Officer. McMillen applauded the effort saying, “It is so valuable for students, faculty, and the community at large to discuss the important issues facing the world today, and through this activity allow for dialogue about the rights we are all afforded.”

Faculty members Melanie Pauls, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology and Philosophy, Dr. Michael Lejman, Instructor of History, and Mark McClellan, Instructor of History served as panel speakers. “It was so inspiring to see our students interacting with our panel speakers,” commented Christopher Tindall, Sigma Kappa Delta faculty advisor. “I look forward to holding events like this in the future.”

By Deborah Yen

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