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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

It’s almost funny how you speeders complain about speed traps in Earle, parkin & Other predominately black communities. The funny part: have you heard of any of the “SO CALLED’ judges that presides over those clip joints complain? I wonder why. If there is no collusion, why didn’t they just throw it out? [ Editor’s Note: I think you might be looking for a conspiracy where there is none. A judge isn’t simply going to “ throw out” a citation written by a police officer doing his or her job. Each case is unique and stands ( or falls) on its own merits. What’s the “ collusion” here? That the Parkin ( or Earle or Jericho) Police and the local municipal judges have gotten together to make money off of speed traps? Who are you accusing of what? But if you don’t want to get fleeced by the clip joint, don’t do whatever it is that keeps landing you there]

*** I am texting concerning the street paving in “old Marion.” I admit I don’t know a lot about the process but surely there has to be a better method than just piling on more asphalt! There are areas that are already raised 6 to 8 inches above the shoulder. Heaven help you if you meet an oncoming car on some streets. Plus chunks of asphalt break off. I know nothing will be done differently but thanks for letting me air my complaint.

[ Editor’s Note: I, too, will admit that I don’t know a lot about the process, but I do know that it is much more practical to resurface via an overlay than to completely tear down the street and start from scratch. You can probably imagine the logistics of an entire road being inaccessible for long enough to break it down to a base and rebuild it, especially if you live on that road. That’s just the nature of the beast, I’m afraid]

*** Being gay is not a result of life experiences; it is not contagious, and it is not a choice. Gay people are BORN THAT WAY. How many times do ignorant fools need to be told this fact before it sinks in. Nothing you can do can make you gay. Gay people have no choice. Their brains are wired that way. You’d be amazed at the number of famous people who were (in history), and are gay. They have contributed a massive amount of knowledge, beauty, and creativity to our world. Religion has caused so much pain and driven so many people away from the church. Lots of gays and lesbians have turned to drugs, alcohol, and a life of ruthless behavior as a means of filling he void that only a true relationship with God can fill. Tragically, many people have committed suicide as a result of the way these homophobic preachers, televangelists and holier than thou church folks have been outrageously dogmatic about what the bile supposedly says, failing to understand that the scriptures they often run to in order to “prove their point”, such as Leviticus 18:22 and Romans chapter 1, were written during a particular time, for a particular group of people, and for a particular purpose. The Bible was not even written in English. It has been translated, retranslated, and misinterpreted more times than Kentucky Fried Chicken has dropped food on the floor. God created us all different, and Jesus said “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one toward another.” Where is the love in these religious establishments? Let them tell it, God loves everybody as long as they don’t fall in these categories: LGBT, Muslim, African, East Indian, Hindu, dressed in gothic style, have less than three pairs of shoes, wear a Mohawk, ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, have tattoos and all kinds of piercing in strange places, don’t speak in tongues, “rob God” by not giving 10% of your income to a building (the biblical tithe never involved cash or coins, another topic), or drive a car that’s more than ten years old. If God’s love was anything like ours, chances are the majority of the human race would be doomed. The biggest problem with these churches and organized religion in general is the way they always try to put so much fear in people, yet they quote the passage of the Bible that says “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. “So which one is it? If God is not a man that He should lie, yet these pastors get up there every Sunday talking about how people are already burning in hell, not knowing the true concept of “The Lake of Fire” or the origin of the Hell story, then how can we know whether they’re not pulling the wool over our eyes? People will not burn in hell for all eternity. That was a scare tactic that originated in Roman Catholicism in the early days of Christianity. The word “Hell” is a misinterpretation of the word “Gehenna”, or even more specifically, “Gehninnom” as in “The Valley of Gehenna or Gehinnom”, which was a deep valley located outside the city of Jerusalem during the time of Christ. It was the place where the citizens of Israel went to dump their trash, dispose of unwanted goods, and get rid of the bodies of the dead. Years after Christ ascended back to heaven, various philosophers and so-called biblical scholars came along and adopted the story of the Valley of Gehenna and added a bunch of stuff to it, making it into the big tale it is today. There is no way a human body, or anything for that matter, could burn forever without dissolving. Otherwise, there would be no need for fire extinguishers or firefighters. God is not that kind of God. He’s gracious and merciful. People who reject God’s love and the salvation of Jesus Christ, they will be utterly destroyed, never to rise again. Both heaven and hell will take place right here on planet earth, not in some faraway universe. Roman Catholicism has bamboozled the masses for centuries. Truth is, most churchgoers do not take the time to research and study various subjects within the real of spirituality for themselves, and therefore, they are continuing to be misled by these religious establishments. That’s why it’s important to have knowledge and understanding for yourself, and researchers have the upper hand over the ones who sit idly by and wait to be spoonfed the word of God by another faulty and imperfect human being. [ Editor’s Note: Usually, when we get a text of this length, it’s in regard to something that has appeared in the paper recently that has lit a fire under someone. In this case, however, I can’t come up with anything even remotely related to a debate or discussion of homosexuality. OK, there was a same- sex couple in the Marriage Licenses section of the Public Record page last Friday, but that really is it… moving past all of that, though, to the rest of your sermon, it would seem as though you have a message of enlightenment for everyone if we would only hear it. You seem to have it all figured out, so it’s kind of a shame that your only platform for sharing is Text the Times. Have you tried Facebook… I hear all the cool kids are on Facebook]


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