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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

Well Donald Trump come come up with nothing about the wiretapping so he start of World War 3 thanks America we are those days God Bless America I would just like to say congratulation to Earle’s mayor Sherman Smith now I know it won’t take the federal police long to find you they know where you are. [ Editor’s Note: Now, this is the kind of text I can really sink my teeth into… Terrible grammar? Check! Zero punctuation? Check! Jumping randomly from one topic to another? Check! Making vague and likely spurious remarks? Check and check! I’m not a Trump fan ( I think I’ve been pretty clear about that) but if violence in the Middle East is World War III, it’s not on Trump. That war started 2,000 years ago. As for the new mayor of Earle. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t been in hiding or anything. I mean, he didn’t crawl out from under a rock to run for mayor, right?]

*** just wondering about the west Memphis sanitation department and wondering why they do not pick up the grass clipping garbage every week. The west end of [ Editor’s Note: Well, this just cut off here, but apparently the west end of somewhere in the city isn’t getting their grass clippings collected often enough for some lawnmowing enthusiast. Man, I can’t even think about cutting my grass every week.

Well, hopefully you won’t get overwhelmed by the Bermuda Jungle before they run through your neighborhood again]

*** Silly Rabbit, Easter is for Jesus. [ Editor’s Note: OK, so I get what you’re saying. Just like we sprinkle a healthy dose of Santa and Rudolph on top of Christmas each year, there’s chocolate bunnies, colored eggs and delicious Cadburry Creme Eggs all amidst our celebration of Christ’s resurrection ( did I mention the Cadburry Creme Eggs? Because I can’t stress how delicious they are). If that’s not a beat you can dance to, I fully understand. But there’s also no reason we can’t have fun too, right?

But let’s be respectful and worshipful over what Easter is really all about and have fun and be silly separately, and not attempt to make a hybrid whatever out of it, OK? Have you seen the Resurrection Eggs? I swear I saw chocolate crucifixes last year. That’s a little much.

You don’t see Nativity displays with Santa on the roof of the manger, do you?]

*** Reading the Text the Times today 4-7, I am again reading how someone from West Memphis is griping about how the sports reporting is “completely biased” towards Marion Athletics. This has been addressed numerous times here. I am an alumni of WM and my children go to WM, and play sports, and it’s of no fault to the paper that the articles on WM sports are inferior to the Marion reporting. Those of you that are complaining, you should take your concerns to the school board.

The WMSD is who pays the sports writer for WM Athletics, and in my opinion he could do a better job in his reporting.

Collins Peeples is doing an excellent job at reporting on all the other schools in the county. The parents that should be a tad bit upset is WMCS, they rarely get black & white time. [ Editor’s Note: I appreciate you having Mr.

Peeples’ back, but I also think that Mr. Woods does a great job with the Blue Devils. It’s worth mentioning that in addition to covering Sports, Mr. Woods also covers the entire West Memphis School District’s public relations duties, which includes all of the elementary schools, three junior high schools and the high school. And you’re right about WMCS often being the odd- school- out on coverage, but that’s something hopefully we can address moving for-ward]

*** BRX. Trophy bike. It’s for sale. [ Editor’s Note: How much to they want for it?

My wife’s birthday is coming up and she’s been wanting a new bike]

[Editor’s Note: Someone sent this in without comment. I’m going to assume this is some sort of suggestion along the lines of “Why don’t we just do this, too?”

or “Hey, looking for a job?” Either way, here it is…]

Submitted via Text the Times

Photo submitted via Text the Times


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