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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

Concerning the “our view” in Thursday, April 6th paper, I have a question.

Will there be any type of research concerning how these clubs spent the money in past years? I’m concerned if the funds were used specifically to benefit the clubs or used elsewhere. They should ALL be able to provide documentation showing where the money was used….right???

[ Editor’s Note: If I tried to put into print the amount of “ Ha- Ha” s it would take to truly capture how funny that idea is, I’d need to replace the “ H” and “ A” keys on my keyboard. While that would be a good idea, I doubt anyone wants to go down that rabbit hole. Just for the sake of moving forward, it’s probably just going to be a case of “ This is what you’re going to have to do if you want any more money…” And really, that’s not expecting too much, right?]

*** Concerning Wayne Croom.

Have we just found our next Mayor? [ Editor’s Note: Assuming the Honorable and Ageless Bill Johnson isn’t going to seek another term as mayor, the City of West Memphis could do a lot worse. I’m not sure if Councilman Croom has higher political aspirations or not. There are actually a few council members I could get behind during a theoretical mayoral campaign. I guess we’ll see next year how all this shakes out. But to your point, I have known Mr.

Croom for a long time and I do like the fact that he’s apparently not afraid to ask everyone to hold on a minute and look at the issue]

*** You took the words right out of mouth. [ Editor’s Note: OK, so either I actually said something someone agrees with ( which seems like wishful thinking) or this whole request line thing has just become some sort of recurring joke. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Meatloaf ( both the food and the singer who sang “ You Took the Words Right out of My Mouth,”) but come on!]

*** A big thanks to Mayor Johnson, councilman Holt and councilman Catt for correcting a problem in lakes of Richland. [ Editor’s Note: Ah, the old Lakes of Richland… that was a big topic of discussion here in Text the Times early in my tenure as editor. Based on the discussion back then, let me, too, join in thanking Misters Johnson, Holt and Catt, and anyone else who had anything to do with whatever was done at the Lakes of Richland and may the Lord’s countenance ever shine upon it]

*** I would appear to me that this project that is being implemented in Memphis would have been a MUCH better way to spend the funds that Main Street West Memphis is spending and the City Council approved on a water tower lighting. I am for making West Memphis look better. WHY DOES THE CITY IGNORE ALL THE BLIGHT? [ Editor’s Note: I once had a friend who would often invite me over to play, but we never went in the house. It eventually became something I was very aware of. Then one day, while we were playing, it began to rain, so we pretty much had to go inside.

Once inside, I realized why. Both parents worked ridiculous hours and the kids, I guess, didn’t do much housework, so the entire house was just a junkpile. I mean like an episode of “ Hoarders” or something.

My friend, after a few seconds to let me register what I was seeing, said, “ Sorry about the mess. It wasn’t always this bad, but after a while I guess we just got overwhelmed and said ‘ just forget it.’” Right now, it seems like there are parts of West Memphis that are sort of like that, like you don’t really even know where to start. And I get that. But I also get what you’re saying. Money currently earmarked for that water tower could, by my estimation, clear at least 50 dilapidated properties, or improve a few dozen homes maybe?]

*** Please tell us what happened to the lights on the Memphis-Arkansas Bridge…at night it is very dark!!!! [ Editor’s Note: I did not know they were out.

I don’t go to Memphis every day, but I was just over there last week and didn’t notice the lights being out. They have been working on both bridges over the past few weeks, so there might be an answer in that.

Having said that, I’ll see if I can find anything out for you]


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