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Renowned composer brings talents to WM PAC for choir performance

Renowned composer brings talents to WM PAC for choir performance


Renowned composer brings talents to WM PAC for choir performance

Gilpin working with student singers for concert tomorrow night

WM School District Nationally-known composer and conductor Greg Gilpin will work with West Memphis School District honor choirs today and Tuesday for a concert on Tuesday evening at the school's Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m.

Admission is $3.

Gilpin conducts national tours, has conducted at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. He will conduct choral tours of Washington D.C., New York and Iceland this year. A well known choral music composer, Gilpin is also the ed- itor of Shawnee Press Choral Publications.

The choral directors at the WMSD selected 126 junior high girls and 8i0 junior high boys for the honors choirs. Amanda Kraft directs the program at West, Jessica Hardy at Wonder and Dan Burdette at East. AWM's Southern Exposure

and Show Choir will also perform in the concert. Tickets for the concert may be purchased at the


By Billy Woods

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