Community to participate in National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day with rally
Community to participate in National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day with rally
CJ’S Entertainment Center to host gathering Feb. 4 Join West Memphis's Community Connector, Mr. Melvin Watson as he continues to raise awareness and address health needs across the city with a special local event being held in conjunction with National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on Saturday, Feb. 4. The free community event will feature an educational outreach session, local vendors, onsite 20minute HIV rapid testing, and a complimentary lunch. Door prizes and entertainment will be provided.
The rally will be held at CJ's Entertainment Center, located at 3110 E. Broadway, in West Memphis According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there is a disparity in the AIDS statistics with regard to Black Americans. African Americans represent 13 percent of the U.S. population but have 44 percent of all HIV cases, and half of all of new cases in 2012. African Americans are more likely to be diagnosed at a later stage and are more likely to die from AIDS. An estimated 85,000 African Americans have HIV and do not know it. HIV case rates are disproportionally higher in Southern cities like Memphis and Little Rock than other parts of the country.
“I want people to take the four initiatives for AIDS awareness,” said Watson.
“Getting educated about HIV/AIDS, getting tested, getting treated, and getting involved. We’ll have people there to address each of these. New cases are still being reported in Crittenden County but nobody knows about it.
There is disparity with Black people, low income. We don’t vote so we don’t have a voice. People are not saying why people in the community are being effected.”
The summit will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The event is free and everyone from the community is invited. For more information, call (870) 702-6614.
By Ralph Hardin