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Scrambling to get a piece of the ‘pot pie’


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Scrambling to get a piece of the ‘pot pie’

Come one and come all, get in on Arkansas’ latest economic development venture and become one of the state’s “pot” millionaires!

That is if you have a minimum of $20,000. If so you just might get in on this “pot” distribution business in one of the 32 authorized “pot” shops to be located among the state’s four congressional districts.

Now then, those entrepreneurs among us who want to grow their own marijuana as a bridge between dispensaries and growers it’ll cost you $25,000 in license fees as well as forking over $32,000 in annual fees.

Awe, but that ain’t nothing to get in on this money making venture that has a potential for these lucky 32 “pot” shops to rake in all kinds of green backs.

Ya wanna grow the stuff? Well, for the lucky “pot” farmers it’ll it require a cash or surety bond of a half million dollars, pay an annual $100,000 fee to do business in Arkansas and require assets worth $1 million and be able to show $500,000 in cash liquidity. Oh, that doesn’t include another $15,000 in application fees. Don’t fret, if you don’t get picked the state will refund half of those fees, so says this newly created Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission.

Isn’t all this so exciting to know our “Natural State” will soon be just like California and about 25 other states that legalized the use of “pot” for medical purposes even though “pot” possession remains a federal offense for any excuse or reason.

This “pot” commission has really been busy lately coming up ways the state can get in on the financial opportunities because, you see, regulatory oversight is predicted to cost the taxpayers of Arkansas a pot full of tax dollars. No pun intended.

This is all thanks to all the voters who approved this constitutional amendment that allows “sick” Arkansans suffering from certain specified ailments to toke up. This so-called Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment passed last November allows for the creation of this commission to authorize these “pot” shots and cultivation facilities as well as establishing these fees and requirements.

We know there are a bunch of wide-eyed opportunists wanting to know just when they can sign up.

Well, the way the amendment reads can begin applying for cultivation and dispensary licenses by June but, lawmakers now meeting for their regular legislative session in Little Rock will be considering a bill to extend the deadline in order to hash out specific details.

Contrary to public opinion, we have opposed this amendment as have our governor, several lawmakers and top medical experts. Nevertheless, the voters have spoken and regardless of whether we like it or not we’re now officially a “pot” state, so what ever ails ya come on down to the “Natural” state for your fresh legalized joint.

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