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Ousted Earle mayor turns in keys to the city

Ousted Earle mayor turns in keys to the city


Ousted Earle mayor turns in keys to the city

Jones still has gun, scanner, say city officials

Former Earle Mayor Carolyn Jones, who was recalled in November, has turned in her keys, but according to the city still has a city issued-gun and police scanner.

The city council asked City Attorney Davis Loftin to send Jones a letter back in November requesting that she turn in her keys and any other city property she had in her possession.

Loftin said Jones received the letter and returned everything except the scanner and gun which she claims she never received.

“She came to my office the next week and brought two credit cards and her keys to the car and the office and city hall,” Loftin said. “But there were two things on the list I got from (City Clerk Cynthia) Conner — a weapon from the police department and a police radio — that were not returned. She said she did not receive those items.”

Loftin said former police chief John Couch and Court Clerk both confirmed that Jones was in fact issued the gun and radio.

“That’s the situation as I know it,” Loftin said.

The city does not have any record, however, of Jones ever signing a receipt for the handgun or the scanner. Loftin asked the council what action they wanted him to take next.

“If we don’t get the weapon back, it will have to be reported stolen,” Loftin said.

Councilman Kenneth Cross asked why they haven’t already reported it stolen.

“If that gun is used and comes back to the city, we could be liable,” Cross said.

Loftin said the only reason they haven’t reported it stolen is because Jones denies ever having it.

“She said she didn’t have it,” Loftin said. “I don’t know who to believe.”

Loftin said he was also told that an officer went to Jones’s house and loaded the .40 caliber Glock pistol for her.

Councilman Jesse Selvy said he saw a police radio at Jones’s house, but was also told by Jones that she never had the gun.

“I saw the radio on her porch,” Selvy said. “I know she had a scanner radio.

But when I asked her she said she didn’t receive the gun. She gave it back to him and said she didn’t need it.”

Loftin asked the council for direction on the matter.

“Couch said he gave it to her. And Mrs. Selvy said she received it also,” Loftin said. “I just wanted to bring it to the council and see what you wanted to do about it.”

Councilman Donnie Cheers asked Loftin what he feels the city should do.

“What do you suggest,” Cheers asked.

Loftin advised the city to report the weapon stolen and to either withhold Jones’s last paycheck until the matter is settled or deduct the value of the items from her check.

“I would go along with Mr. Cross and report the weapon stolen,” Loftin said. “But I think we ought to offset the cost of the weapon and the radio and take it from Ms. Jones’s salary and let her sue us for the money. If the captain and court clerk tell me that they gave it to her and it looks like the radio was distributed to her, then I am leaning toward that direction.”

Councilwoman Jimmie Barham said there is no way to prove Jones has the items and that the city has already received enough bad publicity during her time as mayor to fight over it.

“I don’t want to have a big to-do over he said, she said,” Barham said. “We’ve been in the paper enough. I just hate to see us have more discourse. That time is over. I’d like to have the gun back. But where it is, I don’t know. I just don’t want a bug hullabaloo over a gun and a scanner.”

Cheers agreed.

“I think we are going to get in a he said, she said,” Cheers said. “I think we just need to chalk it up.

We’ll probably never get anything accomplished.”

Outgoing Councilwoman Sarah Johnson said the city needs to get its property back.

“I don’t know about the scanner,” Johnson said.

“But the gun is important.”

Loftin said he would have Couch and Selvy write up a statement and report the gun stolen to the National Criminal Information Center.

“We will go ahead and report the gun as stolen,” Loftin said. “That’s not a big thing. And then whatever you all want to do about paying her check or charging her for a replacement.”

The council voted 4-2 to give Jones her last paycheck in the full amount.

Johnson and Cross voted no.

By Mark Randall

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