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Our View

Busy intersection just a drop in the tra_c bucket

Actually, no, West Memphis Councilman James Pulliaum, there is little need to criticize you concerns for the constituents you represent. In fact, we commend you for doing so as it relates to growing concerns about traffic at the corner of Jackson and South Avalon.

We also can’t dispute the fact that during certain peak hours, it is nearly impossible for motorists to enter Avalon from Jackson, not to mention how existing utility poles and electronic control boxes block the view for westbound traffic, forcing motorists to pull too far onto Avalon to see oncoming traffic.

As pointed out during a recent Public Works Committee meeting, the corner is particularly busy, with parents shuttling their children back and forth to school.

Now, compounding the traffic problem is the city’s decision to allow the construction of a Family Dollar store at the corner of Jackson and Avalon.

So then, with all that said, we can certainly understand the public pressure being applied to Councilman Pulliaum to use his political clout to have the city coffers cough up thousands of dollars to install a state-ofthe- art traffic control system at this intersection.

Never mind the fact that there is absolutely no justification for an expensive traffic control system at the intersection based on a traffic study last year that showed flow rates are simply too low for a light.

We can understand that there is a perception in this city that the “wheel that squeaks the most gets the most oil” when it comes to demands on local government.

Councilman Pulliaum, you did your job as an elected official. You presented your case based on the complaints from your constituents to the proper group of your peers, and while it was agreed that at certain times there are traffic issues, traffic studies show a light at this location is unwarranted and a unnecessary expense to the taxpayers.

Oh now, we know this won’t satisfy the people who voted for you Pulliaum but it is up to you to convince them you did all you could as just ONE member of this city council.

While we recognize you represent just ONE ward within this city allow us to point out as an elected city council member you have a responsibility to the whole city of West Memphis and to make decision that is in the best interest of all the residents.

As an experienced city official, Pulliaum is very well aware of the fact the traffic issues the people he represents are complaining about are just one of several that exist in West Memphis, some of them worse than others.

For instance, let’s remind Pulliaum the situation just north of East Broadway on North Avalon or even worse the “malfunction junction” at the end of North Missouri and the service road. During several periods throughout the day, traffic is backed up in all directions and when there is a train blocking the traffic the situation only gets worse.

Years of complaining from hundreds and hundreds of motorists have fallen upon deaf ears from West Memphis to Little Rock.

Oh, but that’s right Councilman Pulliaum, you don’t represent that area of West Memphis do you? So then, why should you be concerned about such issues outside your designated ward if it is not vote-benefical to you? Maybe there is something to be said about an atlarge voting process whereby politicians must beg for votes from all voters in West Memphis rather than just one section.

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