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West Memphis overdue for a new library

West Memphis overdue for a new library


West Memphis overdue for a new library

City officials green- light deal for East Broadway site

“Book it” to the East Side.

The West Memphis City Council has “opened a new chapter” for the West Memphis Public Library by approving plans for an all-new building.

Council members have set a price limit to negotiate for an East Broadway building and an adjacent lot, and approved funds to design the new facility. The JP Flash Market building, traditionally known as Reeves, Reubens & Bateman Law Office building, marks the spot for the new location.

In the summer of 2015, city Library Commissioners announced their desires for a new building. The library had built up a $3 million dollar fund from City Library tax revenue. The West Memphis Library is not a part of the Crittenden County Library System or its revenue stream.

At that time, discussions centered on relocating the library to property already owned by the city west of City Hall on Avalon. Instead, City Engineer Phillip Sorrell and Mayor Bill Johnson sought a different location, which ultimately led to the purchase of the new spot for the library at 304 E. Broadway.

“The considerations were to keep the library centrally located in the City,” said Sorrell.

“It also puts into the Main Street West Memphis program as they need a cornerstone project,” said Mayor Johnson. “They elected to purchase the building and recondition it as it would be more economically feasible.”

The vision revealed for the library at the final city

Photo by John Rech

Hope House Turkeys

Hope House Ministries volunteers showed off the main course for Thanksgiving Day. The group distributed 45 turkey and fixings baskets that were distributed to families referred by churches in Crittenden County. Generous donors designated gifts to make the holiday brighter for those in need. council meeting of November included using part of the old building and facade and wrapping a 12-14,000 square-foot book collection and information center around the landmark building.

The Mayor readied City Council for action as they worked through the agenda at the Nov. 17 council meeting.

“The first resolution is to hire an engineering firm to build the library,” said Mayor Bill Johnson. “The next one is for me to sign and offer and acceptance to purchase the building.”

The engineering firm will prepare plans, specifications and bid documents for the new library.

Main Street West Memphis Director Deborah Abernathy reacted to the news about a new anchor on Broadway.

“We are looking forward to the renovation and adding onto the JP Flash Market building,” she said.

“And we’ll soon see a brand new library.”

By John Rech

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