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Our View

Time to step out of your safe place and face reality

It is absolutely entertaining to now sit back listen and read about how these liberal/left pompous journalists, opinionators and columnists now tell us why Hillary Clinton lost and why their all out attempt to demonize Donald Trump didn’t work.

This disgusting and deplorable media has seriously tarnished a profession that was once held to high ethical standards and now has been reduced to nothing more than tabloid journalism that is tainted with outright lies, slanted reporting and deliberate propaganda.

Ever since Trump announced his intentions to seek the presidency there is one particular pompous columnist in Little Rock who has spewed his vial ultra liberal propaganda to the point of absolute disgust and now has the unmitigated gall to tell us just went wrong.

We’re told Americans were angry. Duh, you think so?

We’re told this was a call for “disruptive change.”

This liberal writer said Clinton’s strategy was to convince voters Republicans had nominated a candidate “temperamentally unfit, and thus too risky”.

The blame is being placed on the “white workingclass without college education.” We then take this analysis to actually believe stupid, white rednecks with “no college education” are to blame for this shocking and unexpected outcome.

Oh, but we’re also told from the viewpoint of this leftist liberal that in the end there were actually three groups that delivered victory to Trump. White collegeeducated suburban Republican women and stay-home black voters. Then Rust Belt white working-class voters broke the tie in Trump’s favor.

This liberal is also whining that FBI Director James Comey is to blame for their gal’s defeat. Ever notice in all this that not once has any blame put on the candidate herself.

Now, let’s discuss this from the perspective of a senior battleground state operative who told The Huffington Post that, “it was arrogance, arrogance that they were going to win. That this was all wrapped up.”

Another senior operative said the Hillary campaign was undone by its own neglect.

Let’s also point out that the data that informed many of the strategic decisions on the part of the Clinton camp was plain and simply wrong. A Madison-based Democratic operative and pollster said, “We all were blinded, and even at the end, we were blinded by our own set of biases.”

This has certainly been a major wake-up call for liberal left in Washington and it should have sent a very strong message to this despicable media that has stooped to such low levels that it is beyond comprehension.

The sad thing is that the media elite with its liberal biased policies will continue to do everything possible to destroy this incoming administration with absolutely no regard for what is best for this country.

When the same people who stood up to the radical element of this county, the extremists, the politically correct and the self-serving politicians, demand this corrupt media to cease and desist this destructive agenda we are afraid the next four years will be filled with liberal, biased and slanted coverage of this administration.

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