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Going back home for some family and friend time

Going back home for some family and friend time


Going back home for some family and friend time

Local Commentary Now I know what this holiday is supposed to be about, but through the years it has changed somewhat.

I know that most of us that get the opportunity to go back to the old homestead where we were raised or just drive across town and get to be with a lot of family and friends will be a good thing for you as well as the rest of us also.

I know that a lot of you don't have a lot of good memories of their childhood with a lot of family members and also a lot of their friends and I am truly sorry about that and if I could change that situation for you I would.

I know when we think about the word Thanksgiving our minds automatically go to a big ol’ golden brown turkey with all the trimmings that go with that thought. But the thought that we should have first before we think about all the other stuff is how thankful we ought to be for all the freedom we have in this nation and also all the countless other things that go with that freedom.

Above all we should be thankful for the opportunity to worship the true living God of the universe without some type of bodily harm because in some ways if you really look around you that very thing is slowly slipping away and it does it at such a slow speed you don't give it to much thought.

If you think about it in a lot of countries around the world if you are caught praying to Jesus then your head is cut off after a lot of torture. What would your action be on Jesus if you were faced with the same situation? Now don't get me wrong about that thought about the turkey and dressing, because if you look at me and my size then you would know that I really like that turkey and dressing as well as the next one — maybe a little too much by just how many times I go back for more during the Thanksgiving dinner.

I know that for the last few months we have been through a long and mindnumbing presidential election that at times we thought would never end and then when you least expected it there it was the end. Now one of the most important things that you should do is pray for our leaders in this great country who ever they are.

I know that if your person didn't win you are still having problems with the one in there, but if you are a Christian put it all aside and pray for them because prayer is the answer to most everything.

I know that I hear all the time that we are a divided nation and that statement is probably true to a certain point but it shouldn't be when it comes to God because in his eyes he loves all of us the same and makes no difference between any of us and that is the reason that I believe that all lives matter because he proved that on the cross when he said father for give them he meant all but with stipulations so that is why I try to look at it through the eyes of God.

The difference between all of us is whether you have accepted that free gift that was made possible for you and me on the cross where he loved all of us so much that he was willing to let his own son die for us and in our place. So there is the real thinking about Thanksgiving.

I know that we are just starting into the big holidays and our minds are more on menus and all the stuff that we have to buy to make that special day come off and everyone feel full and happy. It is a special time for our families to get together because in a lot of cases all that are here this time might not be here next year so with that thought in mind be sure to give them a hug and tell them that you love them in case that happens in your family.

I know that with all the things that is going on in the world today sometimes it's just hard to stay focused on one thing at a time. My prayer is I hope that in your family as well as mine you have happiness among all and all have a good time and a lot of good fellowship. You know if that happens then you had a good family get together and love won out. So God bless every one of you and a special blessing on all your loved ones.

Bill McFerrin is a West Memphis man with some things to say and a certain way of saying them.

By Bill McFerrin

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