Now it’s time to move on
Now it’s time to move on
Local Commentary I know that there are a lot of happy people and a lot of unhappy people with the election now being over for another four years.
I know that if your pick won then you are happy as you can be, and if they didn't then I know that there is a feeling of sadness that has overcome you.
Now if God played any part in your decision and the person didn't win that you wanted to win don't be dismayed because God will be the winner in the end and that's what counts the most to all of us Christians in this world. If you took God into your thinking when you went into the voting booth and your person won then just maybe God is giving America one more chance to turn back to him as a nation so that he can bless it again.
I believe that enough deplorable people decided, to say wait a minute and they got together and said we don't want the direction that the country is going anymore. What comes to mind in all of this thinking is the words to a song that was out a few years ago and four of the lines went (Turn out the lights – the party's over – they say that all good things must end) and you had to be in a special mind set to think that it was all good things and with those words you might get a chuckle but in reality I think people like me got tired of a thousand people that believed a certain way was able to force one hundred thousand people to go along with them and we didn't have a chance to do what we believed and we were branded a certain way even if that name that they called you couldn't be farther from the truth.
I think that where most missed the movement that was taking place was because they were so caught up in their own thinking and they thought that their thinking was what the rest of the nation was thinking. So people all over the nation spoke and said we don't want to do it like that anymore. One of the reason that played into my vote for Trump was Mike Pence, and I know that hardly anyone votes for a vice president, but with me, I heard Mike personally give his testimony on his relationship with Christ, and so I believed that with that he would bring some balance to the ticket as for as God is concerned.
I have never heard Trump's testimony but I have heard other Christian leaders say that he is a Christian. Like all of us that say we are Christians their word is what we’ve got to go by, because only God knows the heart and what's in there. I know that when you deal with man you are dealing with a harden heart but if the Holy Spirit lives there then you have a greater opportunity of things working out for God. I know that this past Tuesday political correctness took a big hit and a lot of those safe spaces either went away or at least shrank up a lot.
I hear a lot about all of us need to come together and be one people but if you think about that, it is impossible with all the different ways that people see all sorts of things especially when it comes to God and I believe that if you are willing to compromise on that one issue then I just believe that I can never fully come together with you on most things. It's seems to me that a lot of people in this country want to do a lot of things that is against God and his teachings and they think that everyone else should accept that thinking and forget everything else.
I think that a lot of the votes that people voted in this election were totally to put a woman in the White House just like our last election was to make sure that we put someone in there with a certain color of the skin regardless if that person was going to be good for the country. Let me say that I have no problem with a woman being President or the color of that person's skin as long as they have what is best for the country when taking a lot of what God wants' into their thinking.
I believe that anyone that would ever be against God and his teaching is very bad for this blessed nation so if you think that type of thinking is bad for this nation then right there we are a long way apart and probably a lot farther that we can ever come together on and this includes almost everything. But anyway if your person lost take heart God is still in control and he will have the final say on what this country does.
So now is the time to pray for our leaders and ask God to give them the correct direction that the country needs to go so that he gets all the glory out of it. So may God bless you and yours and may you take your eyes off of man and put it totally on God.
Bill McFerrin is a West Memphis man with some things to say and a certain way of saying them.
By Bill McFerrin