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Letter to the Editor


Letter to the Editor

I thought your editorial concerning West Memphis pay raises and bonuses for city employees was classless, and written overly aggressively. I have never been an employee of the City of West Memphis, nor has any of my family. I am just a humble tax-paying resident of West Memphis. I think it is a GOOD THING when a city has the funds to pay its employees well. These employees are likely to be happier and likely to render better service to the citizens.

I have questions for you: How do you know that the WM employees have “spent all their raise and bonus money” and now need more? Where do you think that the extra money paid to WM employees might be spent? Maybe in the community where it benefits other local businesses?

Maybe even purchasing an ET subscription? Is the philosophy you seem to advocate carried out with your own employees?

Bill Simpson West Memphis, AR

To the Editor:

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