Which one will go into the voting booth with you?
Which one will go into the voting booth with you?
OK, it's that time again… that every-four-years thing that we do to try to keep our country going in the right direction, according to all of us and what we think the right direction is.
Now I would never tell you who to vote for, just like I would never want someone to tell me who to vote for. And furthermore, I don't want to know who you vote for, because just like me, that is between you your conscious (and God if you are a Christian). But I would hope that you really think this through if you are a Christian, because you are to be as much like Christ as possible.
You may not want to be in such a role of importance, but if you are a citizen of this country and have met certain criteria, then you are in that role, so please take it seriously and really think it through before you take that step into that voting booth.
This decision you are about to make could be the biggest one that you will ever make. I believe that America is on the edge of becoming a nation with no moral compass at all, and I believe that the shining light on the hill to the rest of the world is slowly getting dimmer and dimmer.
Now I'm one of those that take's God into most all my thinking, and that is because I believe that he is the only answer and not just one of the answers.
Now I want you to be as honest with yourself as you would like other people to be with you and do some deep thinking, especially if you call yourself a Christian. I want you to take a good, deep look at your position in your life and maybe your family's lives and ask yourself, is this where I want to be and am I satisfied with where my government has moved me and now I'm at the point of where I want to be? I want you to take a good look at your present situation and think, is my desire for free things from my government more important than an opportunity of a good job, so that I can work hard and make a good life for my family and me and truly be that person that I want to be?
Another thing that we get from our government is the way our society is moving. With me being a true bornagain Christian, it makes me look at a lot of things different than someone that is not. So if you are a true Christian and have the Holy Spirit of God himself living in you, then you should look at things different as for as the way you see our society.
I believe that we are right on the edge of bringing about that one world government that will put God out of our lives and bring on a lot of movement for Satan himself. Now I want to put a list of things for you to look at and see how many that you agree with: On the government side first do you believe that anyone, and I'm not talking about any party affiliation, but do you believe that it's OK for some people to abide by the laws of our land and some be above the law? Do you believe that all states should be run by Washington D.C. and whatever Washington believes, all the states should adhere to that thinking, regardless if the people of that state disagree with them or not? Do you believe that the second amendment has outlived its usefulness and needs to be done away with and all guns should be confiscated?
Now on every day life, let's start with someone living a certain type of lifestyle that most in the country don't. Do you believe it was because they were brought into the world by God so that God could condemn them? Because he does in several places in the bible and deep down in your heart, do you truly believe that? And do you believe that a marriage between one man and one woman to be old-fashioned and is not relevant today in our society? If two people say they love each other regardless if they are the same sex, then should they be able to get married and have all the same rights that any other couple can have? Now keep in mind, God first made a man and a woman so if you are a Christian let that play into your thinking. Do you think that a baby is not a person until that cord is cut separating the mother and the baby and up to that point can be disposed of like any other piece of flesh? Do you believe that little boys and girls (as well as big boys and girls) should be able to share the same public bathroom at the same time or in our public schools, shower at the same time in the same shower?
Now with all life coming from God, do you believe that sometimes God makes mistakes and puts the sex of one person into the body of another person, and then it is up to man to fix that mistake by changing that person to the one that God should have made to start with? Do you believe that a preacher in the pulpit of his church should not be allowed to talk about certain things, even if the Bible calls it sin, but because you might think those words would be hurtful to some people and with the church being tax exempt should not be able to speak it even if the Bible says it? Do you believe that the next person that goes into the White House as President should be able to pick as many as three people for the Supreme Court, as well as over 100 other federal judges across our land that they line up with your thinking and bring about all the things I mentioned above, but if they don't then he or she should not be able to pick them? Do you believe that we should have open borders so that all that want to come here can, even if they have not been vetted well enough so as to know that there are no terrorists among them, and it should be our job to make sure that they all have a place to live and free schooling and all the food that them and their family should have and to make them not be responsible for any thing and all of this to be paid for by the taxes paid in from all the hard working Americans? Do you believe that we should have cities that protect illegal people in this country? Do you believe that we would be a lot better off if we had a one world government so that all could be under the same rules and governed by some authority that is a long way from here? Do you believe that illegal drugs should be made lawful and furnished by our government to the ones that can't afford them? One last thing: Do you believe that climate change is at the top of the list, or at least somewhere in the top five as far as the most important things that we should take care of. Now if you take a minute and go over these things that I have put together, and if you believe in a lot or most of them, and you believe that these are the very things that are important to you, then I can pretty much know without you telling me who you will vote for. But as I said before, that is one of the most important things that comes to you for being a citizen of this great country that we call America.
So as I said before you vote for whoever you want to but if you will just let God be in a little of your thinking before you pull that lever. God bless every one of you, regardless of your thinking, and may God bless this wonderful country that he gave us so many years ago, even when we are slowly turning our backs on him. And above all, remember this: He still loves you and proved it on the cross.
Bill McFerrin is a West Memphis man with some things to say and a certain way of saying them.
By Bill McFerrin Local Commentary