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A time of total peace for one thousand years

A time of total peace for one thousand years


A time of total peace for one thousand years

Now that we are pass those horrible seven years that a lot of people went through, but some decided to accept the grace of Jesus and is now living in total peace. To remember a little about what they just came through the Bible says that it took seven years to clean up the devastation that took place on the earth when Satan was making his last run at taking over the kingdom of the earth.

But now with him locked away for a thousand years things will be somewhat like Heaven itself with Jesus on his throne right here on earth. I know that the first thing that you would think about is the thousand years and it being such a long time but remember this with God a thousand years is the same as a day and a day is the same as a thousand years because time doesn't exist with God, so a time frame is for man only and when you are talking about eternity a thousand years is not a long time. The biggest reason that this is taking place is that he loves the Jewish people so much that he is giving them as much of a chance to become his as possible.

If you will read Psalm 132: 13& 14 it says For the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation, this is my rest forever; here will I dwell; for I have desired it. In this case where he speaks of Zion he is talking about the Jewish people and the country of Israel. So it is mostly about the Jews and them being his chosen people and that is why he said that he would bless those that bless them and curse those that curse them so are you listening America, and that is why I say that he has been on the side of America and blessed us so greatly through the years simply because we have been such a friend with Israel but if you have been looking and listening then you have seen that in the last few years we have got to a point to where we don't want them as our friend and ally anymore and are becoming more and more friends with God's enemy and also that explains a lot as to why there has been such a falling away from God and his teachings.

Now during this thousand years there will be children born because all these people that were brought over from the tribulation are saved but still have their earthly bodies so they can have children and a lot of these born are the ones that will come up against God at the last few days of the thousand year time here with God. The Bible tells that there is such peace on Earth that a child will be able to lead a lion around and also play on the hole of an Asp snake which is one of if not the deadliest snake that has ever lived.

There will not be any more wars during this time for the Bible says that they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks and will not remember war anymore because the great deceiver has been put away for this time period. Another thing is that when the one thousand years start the Heaven where God the father is will be brought down close to the earth where all that is living at that time will be able to see it being up in the air just above the Earth.

One of the glorious things about being one of them that was taken up in the cloud at the rapture, they will be able to go back and forth to Heaven and Earth anytime that they want to, but the ones that came out of the tribulation want be able to do that because they still have their earthly bodies and they have not been through the glorification process so the flesh that they still have will not be allowed into Heaven where God is.

A great number of the unsaved ones that will be born to the ones living here on Earth through the thousand years will be the ones that come up against Jesus at the end of the thousand years although they were not tempted by Satan because he has been locked away in the bottomless pit. But this shows just how much power the flesh of the harden heart can have on someone even when there is nothing but total peace on the whole Earth.

Now we are coming to the end of the thousand years and the Bible says that Satan will be loosed for a short season and during this time he will go through out the whole land which is the world tempting those that are willing and when he has run his course then the ones that go with him will make ready for the last battle to ever take place on the Earth and the last battle that Jesus will ever have to fight. This battle will be short and over very quickly and Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire which is totally different than hell because the lake of fire is a place of degrees of punishment and afterwards there will be a new Heaven and Earth to start eternity.

I believe that at this time there will not be a need for the old Heaven so it will be done away with because God the father will be on the earth to stay so it will not exist anymore. All of this will take place including everyone getting their glorified bodies at that time because there want be a need to reproduce and there want be a need for another cloud and then we start our state of nothing but peace with Jesus forever.

Now the sad part of all of this is while we are starting to live with Jesus forever in total peace and harmony the lost will start their judgment which is called the Great White Throne Judgment and will be assigned their place in the lake of fire and that will be for eternity. So let me say that you can believe this or not and that's OK but just think for a moment if I'm right then what you have chosen will last you forever. May God open your heart to understand what Jesus and his dying on the cross was all about and if you make the right decision then you will have brought an eternity of peace to your life. Love you in Jesus.

Bill McFerrin is a West Memphis man with some things to say and a certain way of saying them.

By Bill McFerrin Local Commentary

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